Beiträge von Mäxico

    Im Web (Bols) sind 2 Varianten einer möglich Shurikenaufwertung aufgetaucht. Angeblich hat es eine in den neuen Codex geschafft.
    Ich halte beide Versionen für recht weit hergeholt, aber wer weiß:

    "OPTION A: The Bane of Flesh

    Shuriken Pistol 12" S:4 AP5 Pistol, Fleshbane

    Shuriken Catapult 18" S:4 AP5 Assault 2, Fleshbane

    Dire Avenger Shuriken Catapult 24" S:4 AP:5 Assault 2, Fleshbane

    Shuriken Cannon 24" S:6 AP:5 Assault 3, Fleshbane

    Shuriken Shreiker Cannon 24" S:6 AP:5 Assault 3, Fleshbane, Poison(4+), Pinning

    OPTION B: The Rain of Shuriken

    Shuriken Pistol 12" S:4 AP5 Pistol

    Shuriken Catapult 18" S:4 AP5 Salvo2/4

    Dire Avenger Shuriken Catapult 24" S:4 AP:5 Salvo 2/4

    Shuriken Cannon 24" S:6 AP:5 Salvo 3/6

    Shuriken Shreiker Cannon 24" S:6 AP:5 Salvo 3/6, Poison(4+), Pinning"

    Von Warseer:

    "I'm not sure how to break this to you really. The Wraithknight... looks down on your puny flyers? :angel:

    Talking of flyers, they do put me in mind of the anime Battle Fairy
    Yukikaze. I won't try drawing either of them this time though, as that
    didn't turn out so well last time :shifty:"

    The main hull and wings are common across both builds. It's amazing how
    different tail and fin positioning can alter the look of the aircraft

    Common features:

    - Downward angling of the primary wings (about 30º I'd estimate)

    - Canards are very slightly angled down, but near horizontal

    - Engines are mounted in pods in the wings

    - One weapon mounted centreline under the hull, and one in a pod in each wing


    - Has a single vertical stabiliser mounted on the centreline of the aircraft


    - Twin "vertical" stabilisers (they're actually about 30º from horizontal), one mounted on each engine pod.

    Yup, it's officially Wraithknight

    Also, that picture actually looks closer to the Eldar flyers than my own
    sketch. Amend to fit in the features above and it will be close."

    Es geht dabei um dieses Bild:

    Das die Warlocks nutzlos werden glaube ich nicht. Nach diesen Gerüchsten wären diese ja diejenigen die vordergründig von den neuen Eldarexklusiven Psikräften profitieren.

    Und um das einmal klarzustellen:

    Die PULSAR LANCE ist angeblich die Hauptwaffe des WRAITH KNIGHTS.
    Also keine normale Laserlanze oder Falconbewaffnung. Insofern ok.

    Psi Random kann ich auch mit leben.

    Aber ich will wenn es darum geht auf eldartypische Art und Weise meine Einheiten zu unterstützen verdammt nochmal nicht auf eine Psilehre angewiesen sein die jeder miese Chem Pan Sey beherrscht! X(

    Was sind das denn bitte für beschissene Gerüchte:

    • Eldar psychic powers nerfed: some powers disappearing, random table, focus on witchfire
    • Warlocks can only use Eldar specific psychic powers
    • Runes of Warding Nerfed: No longer board wide
    • Farseer 2 wounds

    Super, Eldar Runenpropheten werden also zu 2LP Langweilern die nichts anderes als ein paar Regelbuchpsikräfte beherrschen, wie jeder Imppsioniker auch.

    "Almost all Phoenix Lords lose Eternal Warrior have cost reductions"
    - Ja cool. Die Modelle haben die Regel ja auch nur eingeführt. Wehe die haben jetzt immer noch keinen Rettungswurf. Ach ja kann man ja auch mit der dollen Porphetie machen...Laaaaangweilig.

    "Vehicles will have either no cost reduction of very minor reduction (5pts) with Vypers benefiting the most"
    - Ja stimmt, macht Sinn. Wieso denn auch. Wehe die werden nicht pervers schnell, schwer zu treffen und tödlich.

    "Jet Bikes moved back to Fast Attack (IC to unlock to troops)"
    - Ebenfalls eine überaus langweilige und unspannende Methode um an Standards ranzukommen. Gerade in der Sektion muss sich etwas tun sonst schlafen mir auch mit dem neuen Codex ständig die Füße ein.

    Viel neues aber ein paar richtig ungeile Sachen sind dabei:


    • Universal Fleet including the Avatar. The Wraith stuff though won't have fleet.
    • Old independent character special rules moved to Warlord Traits
    • Jet Bikes moved back to Fast Attack (IC to unlock to troops)
    • Eldar psychic powers nerfed: some powers disappearing, random table, focus on witchfire
    • Warlocks can only use Eldar specific psychic powers
    • Runes of Warding Nerfed: No longer board wide
    • Farseer 2 wounds
    • Eldrad Mastery Level 4, Staff of Ulthamar similar to Ahirman staff
    • Almost all Phoenix Lords lose Eternal Warrior have cost reductions
    • Exarch's must be included in all Aspects units. (Sergeant Character)
    • Don't expect many changes with the Aspect warriors just cleaning up old rules and such
    • Dark Reapers, Swooping Hawks, and Banshees see the biggest cost drops and anti-flyer additions
    • Guardians 7 points a piece
    • Vehicles will have either no cost reduction of very minor reduction (5pts) with Vypers benefiting the most
    • Vehicles come stock with shuriken cannons vehicle savings come with cheaper weapon upgrades and wargear
    • Eldar Flyers first to get Vector Dancer (minus Forge World of course)
    • Don't be surprised to see Giant Wraithlord with T8 and Will not Die

    The Eldar codex in essences won't reinvent the wheel this is update
    to bring them in line with 6th edition units costs and such and with
    Phil Kelly supposedly once again at the helm expect the changes to be
    more like Chaos Space Marine codex and less like the Chaos Daemons

    Don't expect to see any new Aspect molds with maybe Swooping Hawks getting an update."
    Blood of Kittens

    Neuen Futter:

    ""Pulsar Lance"

    Primary fire mode:

    36" S:8 AP2 Heavy 2, Lance

    Overcharge mode (weapon may not fire next turn)

    48" S:10 AP1 Heavy 1, Blast, Lance"

    Von Bols

    Von Warseer:

    "I have some news for you (and 40k players).

    There will be something in the codex called a wraithknight (almost as big as a phantom titan) and a psyker flyer.

    Striking Scopion will be a must have!"

    Psyker Flyer - Muhahaa!

    Von BOLS:

    "The Dark Reaper Exarch regains a classic weapon option from the days of yore. HINT, HINT - it involves skulls and chain.

    Aspect Warriors are moving to plastic using the "combo-unit" dual-build
    format GW has moved to of late. We'll leave it up to you to guess which
    aspects could be paired off into combo-kit boxes with differing
    heads/weapon options.

    The new Eldar flyer is quite curved in nature, with sweeping lines all about. A real head turner.

    The new Eldar "big kit" is a wraith construct that shares numerous
    design cues with the current War Walker - but much larger. A virtual

    Eldar keep their distance from Tau from an overall design theme. They
    will be the masters of maneuver and outright speed. Look for multiple
    options and units types for jetbikes including up-armored and even
    faster versions. Jetbikes as a family may well become the staple
    hallmark of the army. They will come in multiple flavors with both
    anti-personnel and anti-armor types.

    FOC wise, look for a whole lot of jumping about of units between the
    HEAVY SUPPORT, FAST ATTACK, and ELITES slots. There will be difficult
    player decisions to be made in there.


    Zusätzlich redet "Hastings" auf Warseer von einer Avatareinheit.

    Was mich am meisten stört und auch überrascht ist das mir die Eldar der Zeit wirklich gar keinen Spaß mehr machen.
    Das liegt hauptsächlich daran dass von dem Grundgedanken der sehr elitären Armee, bei welcher ein Zahnrad in das andere greift und die Schlinge um des Gegners Hals zuzieht, nicht mehr viel übrig ist.
    Die meisten Mechanismen funktionieren nicht mehr wie ursprünglich gedacht und von wahrer Elite kann keine Rede mehr sein. Es sind einfach überteuerte Einheiten die nur noch im Fluff glänzen.

    Dennoch sind sie nicht unspielbar.
    Durch zu hohe Punktkosten und fehlende Effektivität der Sonderregeln haben sie es schwer. Aber es gibt immernoch Einheiten die für den Gegner sehr unangenehm sein können.

    Zugegeben, am besten fährt man mit Alliierten. Da ich die meisten Allianzen sehr unstylisch finde, insbesondere die mit Marines oder DE, gehe ich diese in der Regeln gar nicht erst ein.
    Tau finde ich als Alliierte recht passend, und empfand sie auch schon nach dem "alten" Codex als recht sinnvolle Ergänzung.

    Wirklich gut sind Eldar jedoch eigentlich nur als Alliertenkontingent einer anderen Armee. Da kann man sich die 2-3 Rosinen die es noch gibt rauspicken und in eine aktuelle Armee verpflanzen.
    Habe ich aber keinen Bock drauf.

    Insofern harre ich der Dinge die da kommen, führe meinen Funschwarm (auch alt, fühlt sich auf dem Spielfeld aber immernoch passend an. Das Spielgefühl stimmt) aus und setze auf die aktuellen Gerüchte welche Eldar für den Juni ankündigen. Ich bin bereit :up:

    Hey, also ich freue mich immer über Videoberichte. So auch über diesen. :up:

    Folgende Verbesserungsvorschläge hätte ich:

    1. Überleg dir vorher noch genauer was du sagen willst, das vermeidet holprige Versprecher (die aber nicht wirklich schlimm sind).

    2. Mehr spannendes Gewürfel zeigen. Spektakuläre Nahkämpfe/Entscheidende Schussphasen.

    3. 6te Edi please. (Ich weiß, der jetzige ist schon älter).

    Bin gespannt auf den nächsten Schlachtbericht.

    Also egal ob als Alli oder als eigenständige Armee, ein Runenprophet ist immer gut.
    Jetbikes ebenso und bringen dir einen neuen Aspekt in deine Armee. Gute Feuerunterstützung geben 3 Kampfläufer.

    Von Bols:

    "Okay guys, got some extra details on the earlier Eldar rumors,
    specifically artwork and what everything looks like. Still no rules.
    Looks like the Xentarchs are indeed Exarchs, whether they are special
    Exarch's or just new remodelling is to be seen. We've also got names
    nailed down a bit more from translations.

    With the recent release of the end of this year's schedule looking like
    Chaos and Dark Angels getting done, we might see Eldar landing early Q1
    2013. This would be very much appreciated. Depending who writes it!

    Anyway, details below!

    Eldar Warpspiders/Everguard

    5 per box

    Spiders: whole squad looks like the old exarch, no huge weapon, helmets
    smaller, but same shape, wrist blades, two small spinner weapons on rod
    mount from the back. Spider web like straps on the chest that hold the
    backpack (doesn’t look as broad as the old version), running, jumping
    and slightly cowering poses, exarch has extra pair of weapons on the
    cover, don’t remember the back pictures

    Everguard: aspect warrior body with runes on the chest, same collar as
    warpspiders but no mandible arcs and gas masks, different more
    warlock-like face plate and small arc at back of the head, double bladed
    two-handed spears, very dynamic models, jets from the side/underside of
    the backpack, squad leader has larger head-arc, mantle hangs over the
    backpack, flies in the wind

    Eldar Sky Charriots/Shining Spears

    3 per box, look like small vypers, slightly larger than jetbikes. Two
    parts: an engine part with jetbike-like canopy but in the shape of a
    dragon, owl and hawk head, sideway jets, and a distinct winged chariot
    part, parts are connected by arcs.

    Riders either warlocks but arms are not robed, spear, sword and staff;
    or shining spear aspect warriors with lances, shining spears have smooth
    canopies with gems instead animal heads, helms look very cylon-like,
    have collar-like shoulderguards

    Eldar Jetbikes

    3 per box, the same pose as dark eldar jetbike, guardian riders with
    smaller helmets or bareheaded with lots of flying hair (80s heavy metal
    mane) and without backpack, vyper-esque smooth canopy, jet and wings
    have the same design as a falcon grav tank, underslung twin shuriken
    catapults and/or serpent-shaped bladehooks, some riders have axes with a
    hole in the blade

    Eldar Dragon Riders

    3 per box, very slender lizard mounts not unlike slaanesh steeds, all
    female rider, no helmets, long braids, guardian armor without backpack,
    all have shining spear lances, sabres and/or sniper rifles as sidearms,
    the armor has no decoration, not even gems or small bubbles, only
    exception is a gem that holds a cloak that falls to the left side of the
    rider, very simplistic look, not aztec or tribal at all

    Eldar Wraithguard/Cataphracts

    3 per box, look like old versions but have two rods for upper arms and
    thighs instead of just one, some have feet, some hooves, large fins at
    the back

    Cataphracts: float/fly, fluttering cloth pieces instead of legs, wing-shaped shields and spears, segmented/armored head

    Eldar Swooping Hawks

    5 per box, larger wings, not so stiff and two-dimensional, several
    straps of clothes from the loin, wrists and ankles, model stand on these
    straps, both shoulder plates have inbuilt missile racks, Exarch has two
    shoulder-mounted blasters and a scimitar in one hand and two optional
    rifles, one is the same as the old exarch had, the other is a small star

    The Avatar of the Young King

    Completely new design, much smaller, only as large as a wraithguard, set
    of aspect armour where every piece is spread out and connected by a
    body of magma, looks like an fire/earth elemental clad in a suit of
    armour, dire avenger helm with fire from the eyes and half burnt helm
    crest, floats and torso pose looks like vader during his Noooo scream,
    hands are armored, blood is dripping from the left, the right is molten
    and transformed into a blade

    Eldar Warlock

    fits the current warlocks but sharper robe edges, hadouken pose but with staff in two hands

    Eldar Spirit Warrior

    wraithlord-war walker mix, trygon base, running bird legs with hooves,
    huge scaled torso, a dozen poles extend from the back (like wraithlord
    but three times as much), left forearm replaced with massive lance,
    right hand holds extra handle on lance shaft or a three pronged swastika
    blade. Lower back, left shoulder and part of the left arm are concealed
    by an impressive cloak, head is surrounded by scaled armour plating,
    large gem at the front, doesn’t bend upward towards the end but
    downward, whole model leans forward, chest can be opened, female pilot

    Eldar Phoenix Lord Nuadhu, The Fireheart

    nuadhua holds lance upright, one end on the ground, points with axe on
    something, shining spear helm with tail of hair, layered armour like
    dark eldar-armour but with smooth curves, can be placed on
    vyper-variant, looks very similar to a vyper, canopy more segmented and
    wings in falcon-style, one large jet engine, chariot platform on the
    back, two large pennants

    Eldar Webway Gate

    Two arcs that almost touch each other at the top, whole construct has
    hazelnut shape, pyramidal platform with oval basis, several destroyed
    columns, front columns are intact and carry swooping hawk and dark
    reaper statues, whole model is covered with thorn-twines (seems to be

    Eldar Dire Avenger Xentarch

    holds two handed samurai sword downwards, two wrist-mounted shuriken
    catapults, banner, 99% that the phoenix on it is modeled on, one foot
    stands on a rock with an owl next to it, all armour plates are bedecked
    with a rune pattern, don’t know if this is only painted on

    Eldar Howling Banshee Xentarch

    golfer pose, bends forwards and slashs upwards with a sabre, stretches
    other arm straight into the air, holds tri-swatiska, has snakes woven
    into her hair

    Eldar Striking Scorpion Xentarch

    jumps forwards, holds two short but thick chainswords in front, back of
    armour has backbone-like element that looks like a scorpion tail,
    continued on the helmet and ends in a sting, stands on ornamented plate
    with roots on it

    Eldar Fire Dragon Xentarch

    knees almost, holds very long pike with two hands ready to fire, huge
    cluster of grenades on his back and his belt, helm ends in a dragon head

    Eldar Lamia Strike Fighter / Moon Siren Bomber & Eldar Black Warden

    already described"


    Just found the following in the 3++ is the new black forum, posted by Kirby:

    Been informed there are some Eldar boxes floating around warehouses.
    How long they get sat on before a codex is released though, who knows.
    I'm going to guess around a year off. We know CSM are next and then
    Dark Angels with the Hobbit crashing into scenes December, that could
    push DA back to early 2013. So mid 2013 is the likely bet for Eldar is
    something doesn't shove them out of the way.

    Here's what I've been told re: boxes. No rules.

    plastic Warpspiders/Everguard

    plastic Skycharriots/Shining Spears

    plastic Phantomwaechter - these might be the shadow spectres?

    plastic Jetbikes

    plastic Wraithguard/Cataphracts

    plastic flyer combi-kit - The flyer is pretty large and has a crossbow
    shape, two canopies, one fin. The main variant on the cover has some
    lances and a large dorsal distort cannon. The other variant has extra
    downward/sideway thrusters, but I don’t remember if it has a different
    weapon loadout.

    plastic phoenix lord niadhau - For Shining Spears, appears to be on a Vyper jetbike.

    plastic webway gate

    resin box Avatar

    resin Black Warden - The Black Warden looks like an female Autarch. She
    has a shurikencatapult and a feathered guardian helm with an eye on

    resin Dire Avenger Xentarch - Appears to be a new English name for Exarch?

    resin Howling Banshee Xentarch

    resin Fire Dragon Xentarch

    resin Striking Scorpion Xentarch

    resin box Dragon Riders

    resin box Eldritch Raiders - They look like guardians but have no helms
    and wear scarfs around the lower head and swashbuckle belts. They are
    very individually equipped, have all sorts blades, pistols and/or
    rifles. (potentially Storm Guardians?)

    resin box Halcones Cazadores

    resin Warlock

    Have at it!

    Phantomwächter is German and means Wraithguardian (note, that Wraith
    guards are called Phantomdroiden in German, aka Wraith droids)

    Halcones Cazadores is Spanish for Swooping Hawks

    Take it with a mountain of salt as Kirby hasn't posted it on his main page."

    Die Psikräfte from dakkadakka's rattman

    "ok so pyschic powers


    primary power is a basic smite

    caster gets D3 str and toughness

    target unit get -1 str and toughness

    target unit get FNP

    assault 2 every unsaved would heals one off caster

    pysker get +d3 init

    target makes toughness test or take 1 wound no save, if slain jumps to
    model with in 2' and make save. continue till someone saves or no
    targets left


    primary target unit rerolls failed hits

    psycher and unit gain counter attack and get full BS for overwatch

    target unit gain 4++

    target unit must reroll passed armor saves

    psycher and unit ignore cover

    psyker rerolls failed failed hits, wounds and armor saves

    psyker roll 3 dicechoose the result you want when rolling for reserves, outflank and mysterious terrain


    primary flame breath (flamer)

    psyker gains 4+ invo

    target unit gains 4+ cover save

    flame attack assault 1, sould blaze (no idea) blast, ignore cover

    target model takes 1 wound , no armor or cover save allowed, place small blast template anyone hit takes a str 4 ap 5 hit

    assault 2d6, blind, ignore cover attack

    str 8, ap 1 assault 1, melta


    assault 1 str 6 . strikedown (halves init and target moves as if its dangerous terrain)

    roll 2d6 target takes hit equal to strength (11 or 12 auto wound) ap is equal to seperate dice roll

    remove models from table, deepstrike within 24 inchs of where they were

    hostile unit must reroll hits and wounds of 6

    assault D6 pinning attack

    all friendlies with 12 inchs get 5++

    str 10, heavy 1 blast


    primary 3d6 - target leadership wounds to target unit

    target unit has to make leadership roll or do nothing

    target freindly stops falling back and gets fearless

    hostile model makes an attack as if it owned by psyker

    target hostile losses fearless and treats all units as fear causing

    invisibility gains shrouding and stealth, hostiles charged by this unit lose counter attack and fight at WS 1

    roll on table 1-2 unit pinned, 3-4 cannot run, shoot or stirke blows 5-6 attack own unit"


    Chainfist AP2

    chainsword AP-

    Eviscerator AP2

    Heavy Chainsword AP5

    Dreadnought CCW AP2

    forcesword AP3

    force axe AP2

    Force stave AP4

    Lightning Claw AP3

    Power Klaw AP2

    Power fist AP2

    Power sword AP3

    Power axe AP2

    Power maul AP4

    Power lance AP3/4 (first turn/subsequent)

    Thunder hammer AP 2

    Witchblades AP-


    flyers can move at "zoom" speed and "hover" speed

    zooming flyers can shoot up to four weapons at full BS if they move at combat/cruising speed. this is at ground targets

    shots shot at skimmers must be "snap shot" which are hit on 6s unless you have the "skyfire" special rule

    "skyfire": normal BS when shooting skimmers and flying MCs and skimmers snap shots against all other targets

    MCs or jump infantry assaulting fliers. (I was sad when I read this ) - in fact I can't even see a way for flying MCs to get skyfire so they aren't even more effective at shooting flyers !!!

    flyer rules say that "a zooming flyer cannot be assaulted" so I will assume that they cannot

    Template, vlast and large blast weapons cannot hit flyers in zoom mode"

    - I guess that solves that problem

    the stormraven gunship is listed as a spacemarine vehicle in the appendix

    it is also listed as BS4 AV12 all round HP 3, flyer, hover, transport

    "shots resolved at a zooming flyer can only be resolved as Snap shots"

    "If a model...snap's ballistic skill is counted as being 1 for the purpose of those shots"

    (are you thinking marker lights to increase BS? If so I guess they would work along with any other BS boosting ability)


    fortifications are deployed after mission type and deployment type are
    chosen, but before other terrain is placed. Fortifications are placed on
    your table half (not deployment zone) more than 3" from another
    fortification, starting with the player who chose table halves. It is
    worded in such a way that implies in the future some armies may be able
    to take more than one fortification slot.....

    there are a few fortification types mentioned, all are imperial,
    (however the video implied you can "loot" imperial buildings for xenos
    armies) and also it says - check future white dwarfs and our web site
    for rules for future fortification types

    All the gw kits have rules ie bastion, fortress of redemption etc.

    Not faction specific. So build or modify your own tau or necron bastion
    as you see fit within commonsense "counts as" guidelines, of course.

    the rulebook is remarkably silent as far as I have read on weather
    something is faction specific/build your own. All they have said is that
    more will be released in WD and on their web site)

    Fortification listed in rulebook are:

    Aegis defense line, Skyshield landing pad, Imperial bastion, Fortress of
    Redemption. All with appropriate and interesting special rules

    Monstrous Creatures

    confirmed MCs are AP2 (unless using AP1 weapon). can also perform
    "smash" attack - half attacks, double strength to maximum of 10.
    furthermore model making a smash attack can re-roll armour penetration
    rolls. Interestingly MCs no longer re-roll 2D6 armour penetration as far
    as I can see

    on a related note (as I play nids) Furious charge is now +1S, but no I
    boost, and poison has been reworded to be "wound on a fixed number...
    unless a lower result would be required" so my trygons are dropping
    adrenals and taking up poisoned.... opposite of 5th

    I do not see any way in which flying MCs/jump infantry can assault flyers unfortunately

    Flying MCs that make a "swoop" move (as oppose to a "glide" move -
    similar to zoom move, can fire up to two weapons as per normal

    Are Flying MCs able to use their new "Vector Strike" against
    flyers/other vehicles? Also, does Vector Strike dole out AP2 wounds?

    YES!!!!! - so that's how flying MC's can hurt flyers!!!

    See this is good for me too, thanks Muninn, you're a thinker

    you make D3+1 hit, unmodified strength and AP 3 (not 2
    ). against vehicles these are resolved against side armour. a model
    who has made a vector strike counts as having shot one weapon, however
    you can choose a different target for your other weapon in the shooting

    winged MCs are not flyers, they are "flying MCs" which have their own rules


    2 phases; charge and fight

    resolve the charge phase for each unit before you move on to fight phase

    charge phase:

    - pick a unit and declare unit it wishes to charge (also declare if multi-assaulting)

    - each enemy unit nominated can resolve Overwatch fire (only once per turn, Snap shot, cannot cause morale or pinning tests)

    - roll for range (usually 2D6 but theres a table for every different unit type)


    - choose a combat to resolve ( the player whose turn it is decides)

    - declare a challenge (move models base to base)

    - starting at I10 and complete for each initiative step

    - Pile in moves

    - engaged models resolve attacks (roll to hit, roll to wound/armour penetration)

    - resolve a challenge

    - determine assault results - side that caused the least unsaved wounds
    loses. must take a morale check - no mention of fearless wounds - I
    believe it no longer exists - if losing side fails morale, then fall
    back and sweeping advance. If passes, continue on. If you cannot hurt
    the model you are in combat with you can elect to automatically fail
    morale check (fearless can't do this)

    - consolidate D6

    overwatch are: once per turn per unit, can't do if locked in combat,
    can't cause morale/pinning tests, shots fired can only be snap shots
    (BS1). they must also follow all other rules for shooting (line of site,
    cover, etc) so there are no directional restrictions

    Pistols do not provide any additional bonuses in CC.

    But taking the new "snap shot" rule into account, it could help in holding off an attack when you are being charged


    Master crafted, reeroll one failed roll to hit per turn

    gets hot will now give a vehicle a glancing hit on a to hit of one and a further role of 1, 2 or 3

    If a model has the ability to re-roll it only suffers a wound if the re-roll is also a 1.

    1. How are blast weapons fired. exactly as before

    2. for flyers:any model within suffers a S10 hit with no armour saves allowed

    "any models within suffer a S10 hit with no armour saves allowed"

    for skimmers: no information listed under skimmer, will follow rules for
    normal transports I assume which are;unit suffers S4 AP- hits equal to
    number of models

    3. twin linked blasts: you may reroll the 2D6 and scatter dice

    twin linked templates: may reroll to wound and armour pen rolls

    4. To hit chart not changed

    template and ordnance, blast cannot be fired as snap shots, any weapon
    that does not use ballistic skill (e.g. monolith portal) cannot be snap

    Sniper weapons:

    rolls to hit of 6 are "precision shots" (you can choose how to allocate within unit)

    always wounds on a 4+

    Against vehicles sniper weapons are S3

    Sniper weapons also have pinning and rending

    So as I read max armour penetration is 3+D3=6

    Melee Weapons

    if unspecified: S: user AP: -

    chainsword: S:user AP: -

    Eviscerator S: x2 AP:2 USR:armourbane(2D6 armour pen), two handed, unwieldly (I1 unless walker/MC)

    Heavy chainsword: S: +2 AP: 5 USR: two-handed

    choppa not mentiond mandrake weapon not mentioned - therefore uses codex rules unless "generic CC weapon" in which case as above


    S: User AP: - USR: Fleshbane(wounds on 2+), armourbane (2D6 armour penetration)

    Lightning Claws

    S: user AP: 3 USR: shred (reroll wounds), specialist weapon (need to
    have another specialist weapon to get +1 attacks) - the way I read this
    you could give them a lightning claw and a thunder hammer and still get
    +1 attack

    Relic Blades

    no mention of Relic Blades in the rulebook. As such they follow the
    rules in the codex I assume (I don't actually know the rules for relic
    blades off the top of my head)

    a model fighting with this weapon never gains a bonus for having two weapons

    No other generic bonuses/rules, although most two handed weapons have other bonuses specific to the weapon

    power klaw and power fist are identical despite different entries



    can never move faster than combat speed, can't move flat out (6" max move - yes 6, not 12)

    for shooting, allways considered as having remained stationary (i.e. can
    move and shoot barrage, use full BS on all shots, etc...)


    move normally for a vehicle of their type, if skimmer, can also make
    sweep attacks (3+/4+ depending on speed, chance to deal a melee attack
    for each attack in profile to a unit that you pass over during movement
    i.e. can do a melee attack in movement phase then disapear before

    shot same as other vehicles, rider cannot be individually targeted

    can declare a charge - rider is considered to be in base to base with
    all models in base to base with the chariot, can strike and be struck as
    such, cannot be locked in combat, can't do a challenge

    +1 to armour saves

    crew is considered part of the chariot, can't attack, etc (basically
    ignored) Rider is fearless, can cause "Hammer of wrath" ->impact hit
    but gets D6 attacks resolved at S6 AP- (as oppose to 1 at user S)


    1)searchlights used AFTER firing all weapons, can then choose to
    illuminate target, if so also illuminates self. Illumination lasts until
    the end of following turn. Illuminated units gain no benefit from
    night fighting special rule. (I assume this means that if a target is
    illuminated it doesn't get shrouded at 24-36" (+2 to cover save) or
    stealth at 12-24" (+1 cover save)

    as a side note: extra armour gives crew stunned to crew shaken, not
    extra hull points. and vehicles are easier to hide (only need 25% of
    facing side to be obscured)


    flyers can choose to use skyfire special rule at the start of shooting phase (i.e. normal BS for flyers, 6s for gorund)

    standard: 6" combat, 12"cruising, 6" flat out (if a vehicle moves
    cruising can only snap fire, combat can fire single weapon at BS, others
    as snap shots)

    Fast: 6" combat, 12" cruising, 12" flat out (combat speed can shoot as
    stationary, cruising can shoot two weapons at full BS and others as snap

    As Jink is a cover saver, yes it stacks with nightfighting

    open topped vehicles: can be assaulted out of as in last edition

    Bikes/Jump Infantry

    if you charge a model behind a barricade/aegis defense line, you must take a dangerous terrain test.

    Hammer of wrath (attack at I10 on charging), Jink(+5 cover if moving, 4+ if turbo boost), relentless

    bikes turbo boost 12", jetbikes 24", eldar jetbikes 36"

    otherwise no changes I believe

    Bikes are still relentless and +1Toughness

    Psychic Powers

    Beam psychic power type: choose a point within range. draw a line 1mm
    thick between that point and middle of psyker base. first model hit at
    full S. next model at S-1, etc. Buildings take a hit as if it were
    another model and beam still continues. ruins/wall reduce beam strength
    by one as if they had taken a hit and beam continues. Friends and foes
    can be struck by said beam

    perils of the warp: double 1s or double 6s. 1 wound with no saves of any kind allowed. double 1s still pass

    no you do not. specifically states deny the witch does not work on force
    weapons. in addition deny the witch only works on offensive powers
    that target enemy units. Your enemy cannot deny the witch if the power
    targets your own squads.

    as psychic hoods now only augment deny the witch by allowing all units
    within 6" take the psykers deny the witch roll, this means that
    augmentative psychic powers are AWESOME I reckon.

    and on that note, alot of the "divination" powers are similar to the
    eldar powers, so you won't need to take eldrad as an ally to augment
    vect or anyone else for that matter....

    "The Force USR (pg37) says they do, so long as the psyker expends a warp
    charge and passes a psychic test. No Deny the Witch saves vs this


    Relentless models shoot; heavy, salvo and ordnance weapons counting as
    stationary even if they moved. They are also allowed to charge in the
    same turn they fired heavy, ordnance, rapid fire and salvo

    Instant death, much the same as before

    Eternal warrior ignores instant death

    No different levels of two abilities

    FNP saves are taken after saves, invul included (so yes you can take both).

    FNP cannot be made against unsaved wounds that inflict instant death but there are no restrictions for AP1-2 weapons

    Deepstrike mishaps are now 1: Destroyed, 2-3: misplaced, 4-6: delayed


    set up the same

    "a unit that deploys using these rules cannot charge in the first turn" --> bummer!!!!

    IC can join infiltrators during deployment and infiltrate with them (even if they do not have infiltrate)

    otherwise I believe it is the same

    Acute senses: re roll if you arrive on a random table edge (outflank included)

    outflank: I can't see any major changes

    scout: infantry, artillery, walker and MC redeploy within 6", others
    redeploy within 12". Must remain 12" away from enemies. cannot charge in
    first turn. Otherwise the same (I believe)

    Move through cover: role an extra D6 when rolling to move thorugh
    difficult terrain, pick the highest. Automatically pass dangerous
    terrain tests (!!) has no affect on charge or impact tests

    as stated by others FNP does not work on force weapons as =instant death

    I cannot think of any ways that we can manipulate things pro tyranids
    yet (although trust me I'm thinking about it, they're my army!) -
    although the changes to dangerous terrain and night fighting are massive
    boosts for venomthropes (I can explain my thoughts more if you're
    interested )


    I have looked over it though and I can see no limitations on special characters named/independant or otherwise.

    interestingly even battle brothers (best tupe) cannot embark in allied
    transports although they act as friendly/models of same army for
    practically everything else (i.e. IC joining and psychic powers)

    If special characters can be used as allies? can you benefit from there
    special rules such as fateweaver letting you re-roll saves?

    1) yes

    2)if you are battle brothers yes, any other type of ally - no

    Allies: one allied detachment per primary detachment (so at 2000 points
    where you can take two primary detachments, if you take a second
    primary detachment you can also take a second allied detachment,
    although as you can imagine this will chew up a lot of points)

    There is no indication that this is not for normal games, so yes this is for standard games


    I have come across absolutely no indication of forgeworld except that some of the army pictures have forgeworld models

    Wound allocation:

    choose the model closest to the firing unit. this model then takes a
    wound. if it passes it takes another wound, this continues until that
    model fails. his wounds are reduced by one. If this reduces his wounds
    to 0 he is removed as a casualty. you then pick the next closest model
    to the firing unit and repeat the process. This process is essentially
    the same if you have different armour saves/toughness/wargear/weapons.
    So it is the closest model that matters. So potentially one model could
    take 20 wounds for an entire squad - go space wolf terminator squad

    VIA Natfka.Bogspot/Faeit 212:

    Here is a Question and Answer session with someone sitting down with the
    rulebook. He even answers the "whats on page 42?" question. So check
    it out, there is quite a bit here, and some of it we aleady know, but
    its nice to hear it again.

    Questions answered via Rixitotal. The questions were from tons
    of different people. MadCowCrazy from Heresy Online was one, the rest
    are misc and unfamiliar names. (I didnt look too hard).

    Battle Brothers: Good can join each others units with IC's and cast psychic powers as if they were friendly.

    Allies of convienance: Cant join units or cast friendly powers

    Desperate Allies: Have to roll if within 6" of an allied unit. if they roll a 1, they cannot do anything.

    Necrons Allies:no battle brothers. allies of conveniance with chaos
    marines, gery knights (!!), tau and orcs. cant ally with deamons, any
    eldar or nids. all the rest are desperate allies. Desperate allies with
    Templars and Blood Angels


    -normal one D3 +2 objectives. - one where heavy support can claim
    objectives and you get extra points for killing heavy support.- same
    with fast attack. -a kill point one.- one where there is a relic you
    take and move with thats basically an objective.- and a capture and
    control-ish one.

    Whats on pg 42?

    lol 42 has unviersal special rules. skyfire (AA), slow and purposeful,
    smash, sniper, soul blaze, specialist weapon, spilt fire, stealth and
    strafing run.


    can take an allied detachment or something. must have 1 HQ and 1 Troop,
    and may have 1 more troop and 1 of each other slot except HQ. there is a
    table of who can ally with who and how good friends they are. good
    friends can join each others unit with independent chars and cast physic
    powers as if they were friendly. middle friends cant do that. and bad
    friends have to roll at the begging of each turn if they are withing 6,
    if they roll a 1 they cant do anything. and a lot of armies can ally
    at all. nids cant ally with anyone.

    What about powers, say a blood angels sanguinary priest with a feel no
    pain 6" buff. will that work across armies? Even if it specifically
    says "any friendly units" for some armies? Or have GW gone down the
    "nope, separate for all" route?

    probs one for the FAQ, allies specifically talks about physic powers. ps FnP is now 5+.

    you get FnP against anything that dosnt cause instant death.

    power swords are AP 3. Axes +1 S, AP2 and make you I 1. then there are mauls and spears that are lame.

    it says any power weapons unspecified you must look at the model and see what they have for what kind of power weapon they have.

    You still cannot assault out of deepstrike correct? Turn order is the same?

    yea thats all the same.

    Has fearless changed when you lose a combat? So no more lots of wounds
    taken when you lose a combat just because you're not scared of anyone?

    hmmmm just says they pass moral tests... i can find anything anywhere that says they take extra wounds.... holy crap!

    What are the rules for infantry types (jump, MC, etc.)?

    What is the deal with charges?

    What does preferred enemy do?

    Hull points?

    jump move 12, re roll charge dice (2D6) get a impact hits (called hammer
    of wrath). bikes turbo boost in shooting phase 12 (jet bikes 24, eldar
    jetbikes 36!!! for a total of 48inch move in 1 turn). charges are 2D6,
    and u can overwatch against it witch is every model gets to shoot at
    BS1 except heavy weapons. preferred enemy is reroll all hits and wounds
    that roll a 1, from shooting and combat!!! hull points are taken off
    by glancing hits. all gone = wreck. most vehicles have 3. land raider
    have 4, vipers have 2.

    cover is 5+ sorry, ruins is 4+, most everything else is 5+ including
    shooting through troops. but you only need to have 25% hidden or troops
    or tanks to get cover.

    How does wound allocation work for multi wounded models and different wargear on such models?

    closest to furthest. wargear makes no difference.

    Has the turn order changed or is it still Move->Shoot->Assault? What is the terrify USR that Chaos Daemons get now?

    turns are the same. and its fear for demons. its a LD test or become WS1. fearless units and know no fear and immune to it.

    Can units that have successfully completed an assault consolidate into a new combat?

    Does assaulting into difficult terrain still reduce initiative to 1?

    no cant consolidate in to new enemies. and yea makes the assaulting unit I 1.

    runs do disallow assaults. fleet dosnt overcome this but lets you reroll
    your charge. ill have a crack at tables in a bit. yea chars and
    snipers that roll a 6 to hit can allocate the wound to a legal model.
    no changes to deep strike except the new (nicer) table.

    Assulting through cover: roll and extra dice and take away the highest.
    and then you are I 1 unless you have assault grenades then its normal I

    runs do disallow assaults. fleet dosnt overcome this but lets you reroll
    your charge. ill have a crack at tables in a bit. yea chars and
    snipers that roll a 6 to hit can allocate the wound to a legal model.
    no changes to deep strike except the new (nicer) table.

    whats with shooting with vehicles? is it still one weapon and all defensive weapons?

    its basically the same except any weapons you could not have previously shot can be snap shotted, so hit on a 6+.

    How does the USR rage work now? Any changes allowing u control would make death companies viable if not a bit beast.

    rage is ONLY +2 attacks on the charge. Death company are amazing now.

    Are there any changes to Force Organisation? If so, what?

    at 2000 pts you can take 2 FoCs. and 1 fortification slot. aside from that not much.

    Another wound allocation question. In a multi armoured unit (think
    terminator wolf guard leading a power armoured wearing squad).

    How does the wound thing work?

    Is it the terminator 2+ save over and over until he finally dies then
    the rest of the squad? Or is it still a majority armour save applying?

    no you take the armour save of the closest model if its different until
    he dies. but chars transfer it to the squad before armour saves one a
    2+ so no having 1 wolfgaurd in termie Armour protecting a whole squad.

    all things on flying bases are flyers as far as i can see. storm ravens
    are listen under the vanilla space marine section also!!!!!

    Can a model still only make one save? What about ICs?

    yup one save. except FnP of course

    How fast can a vehicle move before passengers are unable to shoot from it?


    Was the to hit chart rumors true? bs3 hitting moving infantry on 4+ and stationary tanks on 2+ etc

    no thats not in it anywhere. you hit the same as 5th

    play a Thunderwolf list and was wondering with the random charge
    distance will they then get a 12" movement? Also, are there any rule
    changes with Beasts and Cavalry other than that? Thanks

    yea move 12, then assult 2D6 rerolling cos of fleet.

    What do you need to hit a vehicle in CC depending on how far its moved.

    3+. but u cant attack zooming flyers in combat at all.

    Any changes to instant death or do multi-wound models like battlesuits and nid warriors still get gibbed by missiles?

    its the same, double S is insta death.

    Do buildings have Hull Points? Can beasts go into buildings? Template
    Weapons, how are they fired? Reserve Rolls? 3+ Turn 2? 2+ Turn 3?
    Automatically come in Turn 4?

    yea they have hull points. the rest is all the same as 5th

    Does relentless do anything other than allow units to assault after firing rapid fire? Extra shots? anything?

    no, just can move and shoot and shoot and assult with heavy and rapid fire weapons.

    What are the rules for fortification slot? Is there a point limit? What
    are some options and their relative point cost to each other?

    all the fortifcation stuff already has a GW terrain model. teh walls are
    50pts. bastion 75, and the big darkangel fort, yes the massive one is
    over 200.

    Still hit a vehicle in the rear armour in close combat? A power axe might be a fairly decent anti vehicle weapon if so.

    Can you double check the power axe? Is it minus 1 to Initiative or is it specifically I1? Request from warseer.

    has the unwieldy rule same as a powerfist. make you I 1. and yes still rear Armour.

    Can you ally with yourself to expand your FOC?

    no you may not. but at 2000 pts u get a second FOC if u want it

    When you perform Overwatch, is it possible to kill enough models so they dont actually make the distance into CC with you?

    If 2 or more units charge 1 unit, can you overwatch both of them? If 4
    units charge 2 units, can both units shoot each unit or is it limited to
    1 charging unit only?

    Any change to Swarms? Still double wounds from blast and template?

    swarms are the same.

    you over watch first and take from teh front. so yea can affect assults. only 1 over watch a turn.

    Detaillliertere Gerüchte:

    I already read some of 6th rule book there were no % in using slot

    however here is something about 6th
    (credit ZAlpha)

    Core System

    - Change to Pre-Measure like WHFB 8th Edition.
    - Force Organization Chart is still in use, no use of Percentage
    - Adding new FoC Slot called "Fortification" [0-1] / see below
    - Phases remains the same, Movement, Shooting, and then Assault
    - No Psychic Phase
    - No Initiative Phase

    Movement Phase
    - Movement is pretty much the same. Infantry can move 6", Jump Infantry 12" and so on.

    Shooting Phase

    - Rapid Fire weapons can now fire at target 24" away irregardless of
    moving or not. (or choose to fire twice at target 12" away)
    - Pistol is pretty much the same.
    - New Weapon type "Salvo" - firing at max. range & max. shots if not move, or 1/2 range and 1/2 shots if moving.
    - Heavy Weapon can now be fired on the move, but will be subjected to 'snap fire' rule.
    - "Snap Fire" allows certain weapon types to shoot even if moving, but with a BS of 1 (ie. 6 to hit)
    - Blast Weapons cannot "snap fire"
    - You can only killed as much models in target unit as you can actually see (and within max range).
    - Casualties are now removed from closest to furthest.
    - Wound Allocation is completely changed.

    - When shooting at unit partially in cover, player can choose to "Focus
    Fire" to kill only models in the open (or in a less covered position).
    - You can now throw (most) grenades in the Shooting Phase at the range of 8", limited to 1 grenade per unit per Phase.

    Assault Phase
    - Charge Distance is now 2D6" adding together.

    - Unit can elect to "Overwatch" if being assaulted. Simply a "Stand and
    Shoot 40K version" - resolved at BS1, Template does D3 hit instead.
    - Overwatch can be done only once per turn.
    - Unit declaring multiple assaults will suffer from "Disoriented Charge" (not get +1A)
    - Unit assaulting multiple enemy unit is subjected to multiple Overwatch.
    - Unlike Stand & Shoot, Overwatch does NOT cause Morale Check or Pinning.
    - Pile-in reduced to 3" and is done at the model's Initiative Step (ie. before the model could strike)
    - Casualties are removed from the front rank, like the case of Shooting Phase

    - Units can elect to auto-fail Morale Check at the end of Combat if all
    models in the unit cannot hurt the attacker at all (ie. S3 vs T10).
    - Challenges are in for IC.
    - Close-Combat Weapon now have AP value, ranging from AP- to AP1. Pistols don't grant more bonus than in 5th Edition.

    - Power SWORD and Lightning Claws are "S: as user" AP3, though Power
    AXE is S+1, AP2, but is subjected to penalties (Initiative Reduced)
    Fists and Chainfists are Sx2 AP2 and Unwieldy (Intiative reduced to 1),
    Thunder Hammers has "Concussive" (the exact (or almost) same rules as
    in 5th Edition)

    - Vehicles are now limited to
    move at the maximum of 12" in the Movement Phase (though it can move
    further in the Shooting Phase if desired)
    - Vehicles can opt to move "Flat Out" in the Shooting Phase, adding an extra 6".

    - Vehicles movement and weapons. Defensive and Primary Weapons are
    gone. You can fire all of your weapons at most of the time. But moving
    faster will result in less weapon fired at basic BS, the rest will be
    fired at BS1 (Snap Fire)
    - Fast Skimmer moving Flat Out can be more lethal (fire more weapons than in 5th and moving faster [12" Normal + 18" Flat Out])
    - Skimmer got a cover save called Jink, basically 5+ cover save and improved to 4+ if going Flat Out.

    - Vehicles count as WS0 (auto-hit) if stationary and WS1 (3+ hit) if
    moved. No idea on how Fast or Skimmer will have bonus, as cover aren't
    used in Assault.
    - Flyers are now in, with its own rules.
    Flyers can move very fast and is hard to target (6 only to hit) unless
    the shooter has Skystrike rules that allow them to shoot flyer at normal
    - When moving fast (called "Zooming") Flyers cannot move less than 12" and cannot disembark any models.

    Vehicle and Damage

    - New Vehicle Damage Chart, one to rule them all. 1-2 being Shaken, 3
    Stunned, 4 and 5 Weapon Destroyed and Immobilised, and 6 Explodes! You
    only roll the table if the shot penetrate the Armour. Wrecks occur only
    from taking certain amount of Glancing Hits.
    - AP 2 weapons add +1 to the chart, while AP1 adds +2.
    - AP"-" is no longer -1 on the table.
    - Open-Topped is +1 as well.
    - No more "Half Strength if the center hole is off", you always use full strength for any blast that hits the vehicle.

    - Hull Points - a new style "wound" for vehicles. Any Glancing Hits
    removes 1 Hull Point, Penetrate Hit removes 1 Hull Point as well as
    rolling on the Damage Chart above. If reduced to 0 HP, the vehicle
    becomes Wreck.
    - Vehicles has 3 or 4 HP, notable 4 HP vehicles are
    Ghost Ark, Land Raider, and Monolith. Details can be found in the
    rulebook appendix. (Bloodwing stated that some player propose that the
    formula for Hull Points is Front + Side(once) + Rear divide by 3.
    Fractions rounding down - this seems to be true.

    Vehicle and Passenger
    - Passenger can only disembark if vehicle move 0-6".

    - Disembarking rules changes, you now place models in base contact with
    the access point and move up to 6" - this is the furthest distance the
    unit may move.
    - Embarking is pretty much the same.
    - Unit count as moving if the vehicle moved 0.1-6", and can only "Snap Fire" if the vehicle move 6.01 - 12"
    - Open-topped transport rules are the same (access points and fire points)

    - Exploding Flyer that has "zoomed" will result in a S10 no armour save
    on its passenger. And some sort of S6 Large Blast at any unit under the
    point the vehicle goes on flame.

    Psychic Power
    - NO PSYCHIC PHASE (or whatever people are assuming they are)
    - Perils of the Warp causes one wound, no saves of any kind allowed.

    - Types of psychic power, witchfire (psychic shooting attack), focused
    witchfire (has a chance to allow player to choose the target model when
    removing casualty by rolling low scores on Psychic Test), nova (affects
    all enemy units within range), maelstrom (affecting both friendly and
    enemy within range), blessing (augmented friend), and malediction
    (de-buff enemy).
    - "Deny the Witch" - every models/units have a
    slight chance to nullify the effect of psychic power (6+). Chances
    increase if your unit has Psyker.
    - Psychic Hood is reduced to 4+ Deny the Witch if the target of the power is within 6" of the wearer.

    - There are 5 new Disciplines of Psychic Powers in the BRB, each has 7
    Powers. Each army can access different Disciplines, some cannot use them
    at all.
    - Casting Psychic Power remains the same as in 5th.
    Psychic Powers now have 2 level, calling Warp Charge 1 and 2. Mastery
    Level 1 can only use Warp Charge 1 power, while Mastery Level 2 allows
    you to cast 2 "Warp Charge 1" power or 1 "Warp Charge 2". Higher Mastery
    allows for more.
    - Each Psyker generate Warp Charge equal to his Mastery Level.


    - Look Out, Sir! is in. Grants character 50% chance to evade the attack
    if he's within 6" of friendly unit (works in combat too), resolved each
    successful Look Out Sir on the models within 6" instead.
    - Look Out Sir! is improved to 2+ for Independent Character.
    - Character can issue / accept challenges.

    - One model in your army will be the Warlord (one with highest LD),
    Warlord can roll on a table (there's 3 table, you can choose 1) to see
    what benefit he receive. Examples are units within 12" can use his LD,
    the Character count as Scoring Units, Warlord has FNP if within 3" of

    - Fortification - a new addition to
    the FoC, limited to 0-1 this allows player to purchase some kind of
    terrain for their army. Expensive one are Fortress of Redemption (220
    points) and cheap ones are Aegis Defence Lines (50 points)
    - Allies -
    a new system that allows player to have a detachment made of another
    army in the list. Allies works like WFB8th Edition with best buddies,
    normal allies, and untrusted. The detachment is limited to 1HQ and 1
    Troop(compulsory) and additional 1 Troop, 1 Elite, 1 Fast Attack, and 1
    Heavy Support.

    - There are 3 Deployment Types, one
    being the classic Pitched Battle, second one is reversed Pitched Battle
    (deploying along the short table edges), and third one is a triangular
    - Selecting deployment zone remains the same, roll-off to see who deploys first and go first.
    - Seize Initiative is still the same.

    - 6 Missions with 2 Level Objectives. Primary Objectives grants more
    Victory Points, but harder to achieve. Secondary Objective is always 1
    VP and has 3 of them. First Blood (for getting the first "kill point",
    Slay the Warlord (for killing the enemy Warlord - aka. general), and
    Linebreaker (having your units in enemy deployment zone at the end of
    the game)
    - Deep Strike Mishap is softened now: 1 - You're Dead, 2-3 Misplaced, and 4-6 Delayed.
    - Feel No Pain dropped to 5+
    - There's still only 1 Level of Instant Death, no Instant Death(x)
    - Fleet allows for re-rolls on Run and possibly Assault distances.

    - "Hammer of Wrath" allows model to make single attack at their base
    strength before combat on the turn it assault. Jump Infantry and Bike
    have it.
    - Monstrous Creature can make "Smash" attack, forfeit half of its attack to resolve attack at Sx2 against vehicle.

    - Flying Monstrous Creature can make two mode of movement. One being
    24" move, performing D3+1 "Vector Strike" on a single unit within the
    path and then shoot up to two weapons or run 2D6" in the shooting phase.
    However, it cannot assault or being assaulted unless it get shot and
    fall down from the sky first (can't remember how you fire at it, 6
    only?) Should it fall from the sky, it will take S9 hit and can now be
    assaulted as normal.
    - Sniper has rule to allow them to allocate wounds to the model of your choice if you roll a 6 when rolling to hit.
    - Rage is now +2 Attack on assault.

    - Many new generalization of rules...such as Armourbane (roll 2d6 for
    armour penetration) and Fleshbane (2+ to wound)....this also expands to
    weapons as well (unwieldy, concussive, etc.)

    Read more: http://thetyranidhive.proboard…567&page=26#ixzz1yhQ7hj00