Beiträge von kongderking

    Ich bin gerade am Überlegen welchen der beiden Varianten ich einsetzen sollt bzw. Bauen. Ich nenne jetzt einfach ein paar Vorteile bzw. Nachteile dieser Varianten und hoffe auf eure Ideen.
    Vorteile Forgefiend
    Möglichkeit von 3W3 Schuss stärke 7 DS -3 mit W3 schaden oder
    8 Schuss S 8 DS -1 SW 2 (Bin da etwas unschlüssig was besser ist)
    Heilt 1 LP jede Runde
    Nur 8" Bewegung bei vollen Leben oder 4" Bewegung bei 1/3 Leben
    Trifft bei 1/3 LP Trifft er nur noch auf die 6+ im Beschuss
    Wenn er den Kopfaustauscht keine spezielle Nahkampfwaffe
    197 Punkte ob sich das lohnt?

    Vorteile Maulerfiend
    10" Bewegung bei Vollen Leben
    Einigermaßen Anständige Pistolenwaffen mit 6" Reichweite
    Mit Peitschen Tentakeln W6 zusätzliche Attacken
    161 Punkte Teuer für 12 LP
    bei 1/3 LP nur noch S4
    Trifft auf die 4+ im Nahkampf

    Ich Persönlich finde die Kombination von Laserkanone und Hellbrute Tentakel dinger nicht schlecht wegen den 3 Zusätzlichen Attacken oder aber Hellbrute Hammer und Scourge. Dann hätte man mit den Tentakel dingern 8 Attacken mit Stärke 8.

    Die Cadianer Modelle sind eine Art Schema die auch anderen Welten so Adaptieren können. Laut GW sollen die Primaris nicht so Flexibel sein wie die taktischen. Es könnte also schon sein das sie sehr beschränkte auswahlen an Spezial oder Schweren Waffen haben.

    - The book starts roughly 100 years after the Heresy

    - with the death of a Primarch. Guilliman vs Fulgrim, finally written down to enjoy.

    - Thiel became Captain of the 2nd Company of the Ultramarines after the Heresy!

    - There are now Tetrarchs again in 40k.

    - The Sisters of Silence see Guilliman as living saint

    - they are glad he is back and they worship him.

    - When Guilliman spoke with the Emperor during the gathering storm he was shocked how his "father" really sees him - not as a son, but a tool. So yeah, this builds up on the MoM story line. (I actually skipped quite to the end of the novel for this one).

    - The Emperor's humanity is all but gone in 40k.

    - It seems like Rowboote isn't really a fan of the Primaris Marines - he calls them even "Cawl's blasphemous hordes". (do I smell heresy)

    - He only sees them as a tool (atleast for now).

    - It's also implied that he actually is a psyker and tries not to use his potential because of Magnus' censorship.

    - He still thinks in practica and theoretica
    Fulgrim uses the warp tainted scar from Kor Phaeron's athame (Horus Heresy: Know no Fear) to wound his brother.

    Thiel's final fate is unknown (Guilliman can't find any records of him in 40k).

    - Guilliman is Imperial Regent in 40k - the voice of the Emperor himself.

    - The plan for the Primaris was indeed made before Guillis death, Cawl was oathbounded and used the millenia to craft these Legions.

    - Cawl originally created tens of thousands of Primaris Marines over the course of 10k years. Tho I must say we already knew so that gay anon doesn't get a stroke.

    - Half of them were originally formed into chapters.

    - Half of them were originally formed into chapters.

    - The other were gathered into big armies, each from one primarch's gene line. They wear the colours of the original legions, badges are crossed with grey chevrons.

    There, agreement with the Codex Astartes ended.

    Guilliman deployed his new weapons in every way imaginable. The Primaris Space Marines sometimes fought as the Legions of old had, in huge formations of one type, but they also fought in mixed groups of every size, from strike teams of five up to double Chapter strength. They knew the strengths of their gene-cousins, and their preferences. Brotherhood crossed the lines of primarch and gene-seed. Officially, they were designated the Unnumbered Sons of the Primarchs, but they called themselves the Greyshields. They were the new sons of old science, and they had no fraternity but their own.
    - During the time of the Indomitus Crusade, more and more of these died, or got assigned to different chapters. This is a big problem for the Primaris Marines because they started to like their brethren - it doesn't matters from which gene seed they are for them.

    - 100 years after the Gathering Storm, only 20.000 Unnumbered Sons remained.

    - When Guilliman was reborn, he didn't really understand what happened in the last 10k years, so he kind of re-iterated the remembrancers.

    - Initially, Cawl gave him machine-moderated engrammatic updates (sounds painful? yep it is).

    - Belisarius Cawl is quite detached from the wider galaxy - he lived for the quest of creating the Primaris Marines. He also has his own sub faction within the Mechanicus, and not everyone there likes him for what he does (tech heresy?^^). (Yes, tech heresy you austrian woman)

    - The history records of 40k are really really really bad (I think this will finally end the Black Library vs Codex canon discussion :P). Actually, they are worse than during the Unification Wars!

    - Most of the history of old earth and the Crusade that got pieced together by the 30k remembrancers is lost in 40k.

    - While it was impossible to suppress the knowledge of the warp, the Inquisition tried. Guilliman doesn't really like that they killed innocents just for keeping the secret of Daemons.

    - The Inquisition even opposed Guilliman on his quest for knowledge. (so I guess this answers the threads from a few days ago, they are that stupid)
    The Inquisition even opposed Guilliman on his quest for knowledge.
    (so answering that thread from like a week back, they are that stupid)

    - The Chronostrife - a war withing the Ordo Chronos. It's about the Imperial dating system. Not even the calendar of the Great Crusade had survived 10.000 years ...
    - During the Great Crusade and the Heresy, there was a standard time dating system.
    - A true chronicle of the galaxy is almost impossible now. Guilliman calculates the current year anywhere between early M41 and M42. This is pretty much the in universe reason why we have no timeline anymore, and why we are "still in 999.M41, or aren't we?".

    The Custodes are assholes or at least Tribune is.

    He's fine to Guilliman, but he's being a dick to all the regular humans around him.
    We also learn that he's now researching the Pylons to try and replicate the technology and produce stable corridors across the Great Rift.
    The Emperor had allowed them to love Him, and to believe He loved them in return. He had not. His primarchs were weapons, that was all.