Beiträge von Mäxico

    Von Warseer:

    "...there may not be much focus on newer Chaos
    Space Marine chapters, keeping things squarely on the original 9
    Traitor Legions and their splinter factions. This means it's likely
    there won't be much or any love for Huron.

    Chaos may get a form of Preferred Enemy, but was unsure which units.

    On Daemons, Daemon Princes could wind up being
    the only "Marked" Daemonic creatures. What this means is unclear.
    Could be he means there are no God-specicif Daemons, or that they are
    there, just that they don't use "Marks".

    Whilst on the subject of Daemon Princes, they will move more in line
    with the ones in the Daemon Codex but "with a more Chaos Space Marine
    feel", gong on to say they may gain specific benefits for different

    Terminators were a big topic, Chosen may not
    have access to Terminator Armour (contradicting his previous rumour),
    but that Cult Terminators would return in some form. He went on to say
    he believed there would only be two Terminator units, claiming one
    was some sort of "generic cult" unit that was given special rules
    according to the Legion being played. He made sure to reinforce that
    this was an early playtest, so things could have changed.

    From Stickmonkey (Another reliable regular rumor poster)

    ...a plastic Chaos drop pod could be in the works, but tempered that
    by saying we probably wouldn't see it any time soon. Whether the kit
    is released soon or not, there could be a chance of the rules appearing
    in the Codex though."

    Mal wieder was hierzu von Belloflostsouls:


    At the risk of getting the cr@p kicked out of me ..... (after the whole "summer of fliers" thing)

    I have heard scraps that suggest there may well be something going on with 'fliers'.

    I have heard some snippets about :

    a) A kit for a SM flier called a "Storm Hawk"

    b) An Ork fighter kit (might have been a fighter/bomber?)


    c) A 'fliers' supplement. ( the first supplement to 6th Edition).

    Now you have to remember I don't know so much about 40K OR follow 40K rumorz.

    So .... I don't know:

    a) If you have heard this already?

    b) What I am talking about!

    When I hear 40K stuff it really doesn't mean that much to me?

    So I tried the google 'Storm Hawk' and found this:

    (No idea of the original source ... I am sure someone hear will know if it was in a GW publication originally)

    "The Storm Hawk is a smaller, more agile transport from the same design
    lineage as the Storm Bird. Used extensively for small operations, as the
    Heresy progressed much of the STC data to build the Storm Hawk was lost
    although the Mechanicum have kept copies so that if it were to fall
    completely out of service a variant could be reintroduced at a later


    I have based this on the smallest scraps of information, from different places.

    It is possible I have been mislead or I have put two and two together and come up with complete bobbins. :)"

    Von bello:

    "The book should allow players to field
    Legion-specific armies that have a uniqueness similar to older Dex's
    whilst simultaneously allowing flexible mixed force builds.

    HQ selections may change:

    - what units
    "count as" (possibly FOC slots, or scoring status)

    - wargear upgrades for squads and vehicles

    - access to Daemons

    - unit sizes (maybe)

    Many more flying options
    in this book such as:

    - Chosen with Jump Packs (expensive)

    - Possessed
    with Wings (kinda expensive)

    - Chaos Assault Marines (average)


    Cult troops could possibly get access to Jump
    Packs changing their FOC slot (maybe) but most most units are unable to move FOC slots.

    Chosen and Possessed could get the
    most significant overhaul in the codex. HQ characters
    may be able to take a unit of Chosen as a squad upgrade, thereby not
    taking up an Elites slot.

    Possessed will lose their current "game costing randomness". Example given was Ogre
    Kingdoms Maneaters, who pick abilities from a list before the game.
    A particular character may allow one or more
    units of Possessed to be taken as Troops.

    Berserkers Rage rule to return
    to a Ld test, suffering the Rage USR on a failure. He also said that 2
    ideas for Chain Axes have been suggested: Rending, or +1S.

    Alpha Legion may be able to grant Infiltration to their transports.

    Lash of Submission nerfed to be inline with the version in Codex Chaos Daemons.

    Sonic weapon options were tested for Dreadnoughts and Predators - including some heavier new sonic tankbusters.

    Apocalypse sized releases for Chaos in the near future , an Autocannon-toting flyer was mentioned.

    Finally word of the Havoc Launcher upgraded to two shots."

    Von bello:

    "Codex is finished and should be leaving the printers shortly for warehousing ahead of distribution in the next couple of months.

    - Four waves of miniature releases planned.

    - Mark-specific vehicle upgrades reminiscent of the 3.5 Chaos Marines Codex may appear, such as Poisoned flamers for Nurgle, higher strength/lower AP weapons for Tzeentch, Sonic weaponry for Slaanesh and "brutal blades" for Khorne.

    - New specific differences between Raptors and "Chaos Assault Marines". Raptors now a new cult for Night Lords Legion and "Chaos Assault Marines" being available to all Legions and markable.

    - HQ choicess will effect the types of units and marks available to your Army. Also noted that "IF 6th Edition returns to Percentages, the Codex will make more sense"

    - Finally, word of Daemons being redone for 40K and Fantasy in 2013, with new Greater Daemon models."

    Von Warseer:

    "Apparently Chaos will still struggle with enemy Psychers, though Khorne
    will ne able to nullify psychic abilities that target HQs and some unit
    champs that can take a specific wargear upgrade, most likely Collars
    of Khorne or something very similar.

    However Thousand Sons will have more basic unit upgrades available to
    them, especially the unit champ/sgt. A curious comment was made by one
    of my buddies..."what do you suppose Tzeentch daemon engine would look

    If Alpha Legion does gain the "spies net work" ability, enemy units may be forced to take Ld tests to move or shoot."

    Von Bols:


    On top of this, I'm hearing there will be a few blister releases for
    other armies between now and summer. Even with WFB likely to take the
    spotlight in April, I'm being told to expect 2-3 blisters for 40k.

    Likely candidates include missing characters for Nids, Necrons, DE. All of which have sculpts ready."

    Von BOLS:

    "Up next for 40k sounds like may timeframe for a chaos codex. Rumored to expand upon 4 major legions.

    -New plastics

    -Chaos dread.

    -New plastic raptors

    -New plastic plague bearers

    -New character sculpts, not sure if abaddon is included..."

    Von Warseer:

    "*Obliterators: Get more then just "energized" weapons, which may include hvy auto-cannon and missle launcher.

    *Special Characters: Several get varying levels of Eternal Warrior
    (1-3), which includes Abaddon, Kharn and Typhus and 2 others.

    *Characters/HQs: A few more options for mid-level characters which
    according to Legion, can be taken as HQ slots (two for one) or as a
    separate Elite or Fast or Troop choice that can be split off? Maybe like
    a unit of Dark Apostles that can then split off as squad leaders? Not
    sure on this exactly. My buddy often talks to quickly!


    Ein paar neue Gerüchte via 40kings, von Warseer, DakkaDakka, Bols etc.:

    von “the Dude”

    Darnok recently brought some rumors to the table regarding Chaos,
    saying the codex is “done and almost at the printers” whatever that

    He also spoke of a few miniatures we can expect to see, including an
    Iron Warriors character with servo harness, possible new Obliterators,
    and plastic Plaguebearers on round bases. What with 75hastings69′s
    recent denial of Plaguebearers in the starter set, it is possible these
    are a full plastic kit.

    Darnok also said that painted versions of all four Cult Terminators
    have been sighted, but said they could have been conversions. These
    could have been made with the sprues other rumours have mentioned.

    theDarkGeneral told us new Chaos Bikes and the New Dread have been
    spotted by GW Memphis staff, who claim these plastic kits have lots of

    They also apparently have a pdf of some sort and say it “screams death and carnage”

    The bikes were confirmed as being new, not recut, and the Dread was described as a “crazy spikey combat dread”

    theDarkGeneral also implied that there may be an additional heavy
    weapon upgrade for Chaos units, but was supposedly told it’s not a
    Plasma Cannon

    ant1clock told us his local GW told his that the Thousand Sons kit is
    no longer available because they are moving to Finecast. It is unclear
    if this means a new, all Finecast kit, or if the metal components will
    move to FC

    von “the Dark General”

    Without giving too much hope and taking this with some salt…

    I do know they originally talked about and sketched up some Legion
    specific “daemonic riders”, which would count as Elite choices. Thousand
    Sons atop Discs of Tzeentch (3-9), Noise Marines speeding along riding
    Seekers (3-6), Plague Marines sludging it mounted on Beasts of Nurgle
    (3-7) and the already mentioned Brazen Knights. Where this all went I
    don’t know, but the talks did mention “what would the other Traitor
    Legions get?”…

    One last tidbit, again shake the salt shaker, but “the boyz” did say
    Chaos would get newish upgrades for our Predators, expanding their
    weapons upgards, similar to Razorbacks, but without the troop capacity
    and instead having side mounted weapons. An example would be twin-linked
    plasma gun turret and single plasma gun side sponsons. NOW THIS HAS ME
    EXCITED!!! I do hope they’re not pullin’ my leg! (i’ll kick ‘em if so!)

    auch von “the Dark General”

    Yes, I did earlier mention that Chaos Legions was to be 3 separate
    Codexes but as with many things GW they take twists and turns as time
    marches on. I’m sure with 6th Edition near completion, the thought of
    having to revamp so many other Codexes was a daunting task, and adding 3
    Chaos Legions and a Daemons Codex was just a bit much for their plate.

    Yeah, it was new bikes, not the old molds they saw, along with a
    “crazy spikey combat dread”. As for Raptors, well I guess they’re
    becoming more accessible for Night Lords, while the rest of the Legions
    get jump pack upgrades or “assault marines”.

    Cult upgrades are for sure, though i’m still not clear as to how
    they’re doing this. Last I heard it was separate sprues that may be
    direct only for Cult Terminators, etc. Funny, with all the Havocs I own
    you’d think i’d ask about them? LOL! Unfortunately (or fortunately) we
    may get one more heavy weapons upgrade for our choices, but i’m told
    it’s not a Plasma Cannon…?"

    Also ich weiß gar nicht was ihr habt, ich finde den Tyrannofex voll geil! Ist von der Pose her halt nah am Biotitanen. Aber auch da gefällt es mir.
    Den Tervigon finde ich auch recht gut, gerade die Hornplatte des Schädels ist cool.

    Den Flügeltyranten hätte ich lieber als Harpye gesehen. So finde ich den Oldschooltyranten (3te Edi) mit Flügeln immer noch stylischer.
    Die anderen Tyrantenvarianten sind ok, wobei mich hier der Größenunterschied zur aktuellen Version interessieren würde.

    Neue Waffensets sind natürlich super und längst überfällig, aber der Preis ist happig.

    Robal: Ich hab`noch keine Minen! Wenn du also welche verschenken möchtest nehm`ich die gerne :)

    Das hier ist wohl die Basis für die neuen Gerüchte. Ob was dran ist ist stark zu bewzeifeln...

    " Please forgive any odd formatting, etc, here, as this was copied over
    from a HTML file that was exported from another program, so there's some
    weirdness going on.)

    Stealth'o: hey

    AbusePuppy: Hey yourself. What's up?

    Stealth'o: just saw you talking in the chatbox

    Stealth'o: wanted to say hi

    AbusePuppy: :P It turns out I hang out there quite a bit. More than I should, really.

    Stealth'o: lol yeah ive seen you a lot

    Stealth'o: but i mostly dont say anything

    Stealth'o: (first time unsing nick)

    AbusePuppy: Well, that's most people, really.

    Stealth'o: so you play tau?

    Stealth'o: ive read the articles youve posted on them

    AbusePuppy: Most of those are Kirby's, not mine, but yeah, Tau is one of
    my back-burner armies right now. They're neat, but they're just too
    luck-dependent for my tastes currently.

    Stealth'o: heh that gets fixed soon

    AbusePuppy: Yeah, so the rumors say, but they say a lot of stuff, so I
    don't really believe much. It's pretty in the air at this point.

    Stealth'o: no they actually are

    Stealth'o: theyre the next book to get done

    AbusePuppy: Where'd you hear that?

    Stealth'o: didnt Hear it from anyone

    Stealth'o: i just know

    AbusePuppy: Like magical space knowledge? No offense, but...

    Stealth'o: sigh no ive actually seen the new stuff myself

    AbusePuppy: O_o Like... for reals?

    Stealth'o: yeah

    Stealth'o: im part of their playtest group

    AbusePuppy: Whoah. That's... that's pretty cool.

    Stealth'o: yeah

    Stealth'o: i laugh whenever i see someone post something like

    Stealth'o: gw never playtests anything!

    Stealth'o: lol cause i know different

    AbusePuppy: It's harder to balance things that most people think.

    Stealth'o: YES!!

    Stealth'o: thank you

    Stealth'o: im so sick of people saying its easy to make everything perfect

    Stealth'o: we change every unit ten times trying to fic stuff

    Stealth'o: and still its not good enuf

    AbusePuppy: Seriously. So, uh, if you don't mind my asking, what's the
    new book like? Please tell me that Cruddace isn't writing it, I'm not
    sure I can bear to have him kick another one of my codices square in the

    Stealth'o: lol no

    Stealth'o: phil kelly is the guy for this book

    Stealth'o: some of us think that cruddace is getting pushed away from writing new 40k books

    Stealth'o: because of nids and sob

    Stealth'o: but Officially we havent heard anything

    AbusePuppy: Thank you God, Jesus, Buddha and Allah.

    Stealth'o: i like it a lot

    Stealth'o: its pretty good but theres still some stuff to fix

    Stealth'o: but most of it is done at this point

    AbusePuppy: Makes sense, they need like a ~3 month print window, don't they?

    Stealth'o: i dont know actually

    Stealth'o: but we always finish testing way before

    Stealth'o: anything comes out

    AbusePuppy: So, um, without sounding too forward... what can you tell me? >.>

    Stealth'o: lol

    Stealth'o: im not supposed to say anything but...

    AbusePuppy: Aww, you tease.

    Stealth'o: lol no its okay i dont think the gw police will find me

    AbusePuppy: You fool, I'm secretly working for them!

    Stealth'o: gasp

    Stealth'o: ive been setup, you rat!

    AbusePuppy: Now say something about getting away for it if not for us darn kids.

    Stealth'o: lol

    AbusePuppy: So is any of the current rumor stuff true? :\ Because it kinda sounds like bullshit.

    Stealth'o: some of it is real actually

    Stealth'o: but i think a lot of it is just good guesses

    AbusePuppy: SO the usual?

    Stealth'o: yeah

    Stealth'o: i mean its not hard to figure out something like

    Stealth'o: fire warriors get cheaper and ethereals arent bad nemore

    AbusePuppy: Herp de derp indeed. What's the deal with HQs and troops and
    FoC-swaps? Kelly seems like he's done a lot of that in the past, so
    it'd be natural to see more now.

    Stealth'o: yeah the hq slot is gonna be way more open than before

    Stealth'o: shasels make crisis into troops if you take the right gear

    Stealth'o: they have way more options than before

    Stealth'o: but also theres some other good hqs

    AbusePuppy: Like a Kroot Shaper? :3 I know some folks that are really looking forward to an all-Kroot army.

    Stealth'o: lol maybe

    Stealth'o: but there is a stealth suit commander

    AbusePuppy: Let me guess, you were one of the ones rooting for that?

    Stealth'o: yup

    Stealth'o: doesnt mak estealth troops

    Stealth'o: but si still pretty good

    AbusePuppy: Are Crisis gonna get a new box? Because I love those silly
    chicken-leg things, but the ankles... dear god, the ankles...

    Stealth'o: sorry no

    Stealth'o: weve been told there is no new box for them because they have a good kit

    Stealth'o: but they are making a sprue for broadsides and commander

    AbusePuppy: Huh. Like re-cuts for those kits, or...?

    Stealth'o: no like a new upgrade sprue

    Stealth'o: in plastic so no more metal/plastic gluing

    AbusePuppy: Oh, so there'll be the current Crisis kit and then another kit to turn them into Broadsides/Commanders.

    AbusePuppy: That's cool.

    Stealth'o: yeah and it has all the Special Issue gear on it

    AbusePuppy: Are they adding more of that?

    Stealth'o: some more

    Stealth'o: some of it is also different

    Stealth'o: a lot of stuff changed

    AbusePuppy: Well, a lot of it had to, the codex was basically still from 3E.

    Stealth'o: lol yeah

    Stealth'o: the new book is pretty clearly designed for 6th though

    Stealth'o: they do a lot of stuff very differently than before

    Stealth'o: dones dont count for morale anymore

    AbusePuppy: That's a huge plus. "Oh no, our expendable buddies are dying, run for it!"

    Stealth'o: they also added some new drone types

    Stealth'o: one with heavier guns and a melee drone

    AbusePuppy: Tau melee units? O_o

    Stealth'o: well its still not good

    Stealth'o: but better than the other stuff

    Stealth'o: it has meq stats and a power weapon

    Stealth'o: with counterattack

    AbusePuppy: I guess that's... okay.

    Stealth'o: its kinda like a shield drone in how i use them

    AbusePuppy: T4/3+, so yeah. Are Markerlight Drones at all useful now? I converted a bunch up and they're sitting in my case. :|

    Stealth'o: lol markerlights are all different now

    Stealth'o: all drones are relentless

    Stealth'o: and and the tokens work differently

    AbusePuppy: How so?

    Stealth'o: theyre assault guns now so you can move and shoot

    Stealth'o: and multiple tokens dont help

    AbusePuppy: "Don't help" like you can't use more than one token on a unit? Tha kinda sucks.

    Stealth'o: no

    Stealth'o: its like

    Stealth'o: you can have tokens to do different things

    Stealth'o: but you cant use more than one to do the same thing

    AbusePuppy: On a single shot, you mean?

    Stealth'o: yeah

    Stealth'o: so you can use one to make your gun twin linked

    Stealth'o: or make them reroll cover

    Stealth'o: or pinning

    Stealth'o: but you cant use two to do it again

    AbusePuppy: Well, that's just the rules there, but yeah, that's cool.

    Stealth'o: yeah mls are good now

    AbusePuppy: They were good before, they were just impossible to get anywhere other than Pathfinders or for too high a price.

    Stealth'o: prices are similar

    Stealth'o: but so much more useful!

    Stealth'o: since you can split fire with them

    AbusePuppy: Noice, I was hoping they'd keep that ability for the Tau.

    Stealth'o: yeah pathfinders can do it

    Stealth'o: and theres an upgrade for it

    AbusePuppy: What other kinds of new units do we get to see?

    Stealth'o: a ton of stuff

    Stealth'o: tau get s omany more units now

    AbusePuppy: That happens with every codex, though. Look at Necrons. :P

    Stealth'o: yeah but theyre adding all the castes

    Stealth'o: not just fire

    AbusePuppy: Like, as playable units?

    Stealth'o: yeah

    Stealth'o: air = flyers

    Stealth'o: water = hq upgrade

    Stealth'o: earth = repairer

    AbusePuppy: So Tau get a one fo the new "fast skimmers which are secretly airplanes"?

    Stealth'o: yup

    Stealth'o: theyre copying a lot of fw stuff for the new book

    AbusePuppy: That's pretty standard these days.

    Stealth'o: yeah just like the maticore and trygon

    Stealth'o: theyre making a kit for the barracuda but its smaller

    AbusePuppy: Do they give it some extra guns? Because I was always... unimpressed with the Barracuda.

    Stealth'o: it gets a bunch more stuff

    Stealth'o: and its cheaper

    AbusePuppy: It kinda has to be, all FW's stuff is overpriced for the most part.

    Stealth'o: yeah

    Stealth'o: theyr also doing the tetra and hazard

    Stealth'o: and maybe one other

    Stealth'o: but it had problems

    AbusePuppy: "One other"?

    Stealth'o: ill just keep that a secret

    Stealth'o: grin

    AbusePuppy: *glances at FW's page* ...Knarlocs?

    Stealth'o: grin

    Stealth'o: nope!

    AbusePuppy: I don't see what else it could be, given the kits FW has made. One of the named chars...?

    Stealth'o: no

    Stealth'o: but they are redoing all the named chars in the book

    Stealth'o: aunva farsight and shadowsun

    Stealth'o: also adding an air character in a tank

    Stealth'o: tank = flyer

    AbusePuppy: Oh good. :\ Is it less poorly-done than Pask and the Dais and shit like that?

    Stealth'o: hes pretty okay

    Stealth'o: but they changed the way that named chars work

    Stealth'o: in 6th so it makes sense

    AbusePuppy: We'll, see, I guess. I mean I will, you've already seen. :P

    Stealth'o: lol yeah

    AbusePuppy: Okay, so allies: do we get many more of them, or is it still
    just Kroot/Vespid? Because I really, really want to be able to field an
    army with tons of allies, it's what I like about them.

    Stealth'o: they get some new ones

    Stealth'o: demiurg

    Stealth'o: hrud

    Stealth'o: humans

    AbusePuppy: Squats?!?!

    AbusePuppy: Seriously?

    Stealth'o: yeah

    Stealth'o: grin

    Stealth'o: theyre kinda like in fantasy

    Stealth'o: slow but heavy hitters

    Stealth'o: with good ap guns and strength

    AbusePuppy: Are the Gue'vesa same as the old PDF version?

    Stealth'o: no theyre pretty different

    Stealth'o: more like the allies from old inquisition

    Stealth'o: you can take some ig units as renegades

    Stealth'o: and use them

    AbusePuppy: Oh shit. That's hardcore.

    Stealth'o: yeah but

    Stealth'o: theres a lot of good tau stuff that kinda blows ig away

    Stealth'o: so its alsmost a waste

    Stealth'o: kroot are same cost as an ig trooper now

    Stealth'o: and they have +1save and s4 gun

    Stealth'o: and two attacks

    AbusePuppy: So kinda just better? O_o

    Stealth'o: yeah but you need a shaper

    Stealth'o: and still no armor

    AbusePuppy: Not having armor is the best part about Kroot. :3 Get charged, get eaten, let the Tau shoot 'em!

    Stealth'o: lol yeah

    Stealth'o: but with stealth they dont need armor

    AbusePuppy: Cover saves are basically the Tau army's best friend.

    AbusePuppy: Kroot, Gun Drones, every tank they have...

    Stealth'o: tanks get stealth now

    AbusePuppy: Like, all of them?

    Stealth'o: its from disrupton pod

    Stealth'o: gives stealth or

    Stealth'o: 6+ if you have no cover

    Stealth'o: but more expensive

    AbusePuppy: Well, it'd have to give you points if it got any cheaper. >.>

    AbusePuppy: Are Fire Warriors getting anything, or are they still stuck in the dump?

    Stealth'o: fw are not bad

    Stealth'o: pulse is s6 now

    AbusePuppy: Penetrating Rhinos with basic troops, fuck year!

    Stealth'o: yah they are very scary

    Stealth'o: bust canons also are s6

    AbusePuppy: That might actually make them worth using, although it was mostly the range that crippled them before.

    Stealth'o: they are longer range now

    Stealth'o: a lot of weapons changed profiles

    Stealth'o: and have longer ranges

    Stealth'o: plasma is s7 like imp stuff now, missiles are the same as autocannon

    Stealth'o: the hazards guns all got better, too

    Stealth'o: extra shots on melta cascard and ion, some other stuff

    AbusePuppy: That's good, all the 12" and 18" bullshit was killing Tau.
    We can't fight in melee but we have short-range guns, hurr!

    Stealth'o: yeah that is over

    Stealth'o: tau are a fast shooty army now

    AbusePuppy: They had some long-range guns (Railguns, Seekers), but
    mostly it was way, way too short for my tastes and for the army to work

    Stealth'o: seekers are 72 now

    Stealth'o: but theyre damage went up

    AbusePuppy: Well, 72" isn't really any different from unlimited at the end of the day.

    Stealth'o: yeah

    Stealth'o: but they can be fired in two different modes nopw

    Stealth'o: and have two upgrades

    AbusePuppy: So more like Frag/Krak?

    Stealth'o: yeah but better

    Stealth'o: s8 ap3 blast

    Stealth'o: s6 ap5 large blast

    Stealth'o: s5 ap6 large blast no cover

    Stealth'o: s9 ap1 2d6

    Stealth'o: the last two are the upgrade ones

    AbusePuppy: Melta missile! Do the upgrades replace the normal ones, or are they extra fire modes?

    Stealth'o: you can only shoot one type each turn

    Stealth'o: but it can be any type

    AbusePuppy: Heh, I might finally get to use my magnetized hardpoints, then. :3

    Stealth'o: skyrays are so good now

    Stealth'o: i love mine

    AbusePuppy: I might have to pick some up as a prepratory measure, then. Only had one currently.

    Stealth'o: i would do it

    Stealth'o: you are gonna need them

    AbusePuppy: Okay, so the other big question, then: is Tau before or after 6E?

    Stealth'o: i dont know

    Stealth'o: im not on the test group for 6th

    Stealth'o: so i dont know anything about it

    AbusePuppy: Awww. Well, I guess I can't be _too_ disappointed with what you've told me. :3

    Stealth'o: lol yeah

    Stealth'o: the new tau are really cool

    AbusePuppy: Do they push the timeline forward any?

    Stealth'o: not really

    Stealth'o: but they do add more stuff

    Stealth'o: they get revenge for urien killing their planet

    Stealth'o: and theres more of the big fight with crowe

    AbusePuppy: That was one of the best stories in the DE book.

    Stealth'o: they basically go ballistic on him

    Stealth'o: and theres lots of other cross stuff

    Stealth'o: with other xenos and races

    Stealth'o: fropm the 4th sphere expansion

    AbusePuppy: Sweet. Xenos-on-xenos is always good to see, since like 90% of everything is about the Imperium, one way or another.

    Stealth'o: theres that too

    Stealth'o: it sorta says that there might be

    Stealth'o: some people in the imp working with the tau

    Stealth'o: or maybe friends with them

    Stealth'o: trading technology for space

    Stealth'o: etc

    AbusePuppy: So not just 100% "everyone punches everyone all the time"-fest? Gasp!

    Stealth'o: lol yeah

    Stealth'o: the tau are just like the imp now

    Stealth'o: but less stupid

    AbusePuppy: Well, stupid in their own, unique way.

    Stealth'o: no they are more hardcore now

    Stealth'o: not just the nice guys of the galaxy

    AbusePuppy: How much of the old book's fluff is getting cut? I really
    liked having the Tau alphabet, history, etc, in there. I mean, it's not
    like I have to throw my old book away, but...

    Stealth'o: the book is a lot longer

    Stealth'o: tey add a whole section on tau culture

    Stealth'o: and how they live

    Stealth'o: or work mostly

    Stealth'o: since thats the point of tau culture

    AbusePuppy: I am carefully avoiding any kind of "Arbeit Macht Frei" joke right here

    Stealth'o: godwin!

    Stealth'o: no you get to see the tau from their perpsective

    Stealth'o: they also had some tau Psykers early on

    Stealth'o: but they got removed

    AbusePuppy: Tau psykers? Isn't that kinda contradictory?

    Stealth'o: well they had a lot of complaints

    Stealth'o: about de having no psykers and no defense

    Stealth'o: so they looked at it

    AbusePuppy: That was a fairly significant issue for the DE book, yes.

    Stealth'o: but in the end they didnt like it

    Stealth'o: so they were dropped

    Stealth'o: but theres still some stuff

    Stealth'o: that links to them in the new fluff

    AbusePuppy: Shit, I gotta go to work here.

    Stealth'o: lol

    AbusePuppy: Well, really I had to go to work a while ago, but...

    Stealth'o: lol its okay

    Stealth'o: i should go to

    AbusePuppy: Thanks for all the info, mang.

    Stealth'o: no problem

    Stealth'o: get working on those tau!

    AbusePuppy: Ha ha, I basically have to at this point, don't I?

    AbusePuppy: Anyways, later.

    Stealth'o: later"

    -Tau will be the first codex of next year

    -Phil Kelly is writing the new book, not Cruddace or Ward as has otherwise been rumored.

    -Crisis suits do not get a new kit, but they are getting an upgrade sprue for making special issue weapons and Broadsides.

    -A Shas'el Commander unlocks Crisis suits as troops. Other types of commander are implied, including a Stealth Suit commander.

    -Drones are changing significantly in how they are bought. Several new types of drones (heavy weapons, melee) are being added.

    -Markerlights are Assault 1 weapons now; burning one counter lets you
    reroll misses or forces the enemy to reroll either cover or pinning
    tests. Pathfinders have the innate ability to split their fire to
    multiple targets.

    -At least one unit from each of the five castes will be fieldable in the codex.

    -There is at least one flyer (the Barracuda) in the book and getting a plastic kit, possibly more.

    -Several other Forge World units (Tetras, XV9 Hazard Suits) are getting brought over as well.

    -There is at least one new named character "pilot" for a flyer, a la
    Pask, but the system to represent them is apparently being reconsidered
    as part of 6E.

    -Demiurg are added to the book, functioning "like Dwarves in Fantasy,"
    with ponderous, low-AP guns and strong melee attacks. Hrud are present
    as well.

    -Gue'vesa are available, working similarly to Inquisitorial allies drawn from the IG codex.

    -Kroot Carnivores will be 5pts to bring them more in line with IG costs.
    They keep the same statline (and have Stealth?) but require a Shaper
    (unsure if he meant as an HQ or as a mandatory squad member.)

    -Disruption Pod gives the Stealth USR and grants a 6+ cover save if you lack one.

    -All Pulse weapons are Strength 6 in the new codex, as are Burst Cannons.

    -Plasma Rifles and Missile Pods are now the same stats as their Imperial
    counterparts (the Plasmagun and Autocannon, respectively.)

    -Seeker Missiles are 72" range and can be fired with one of several
    different profiles. The basic missile is still S8 AP3, but gains the
    Blast property. A second, "frag"-type mode is S6 AP5 Large Blast; these
    two fire modes come standard on the missiles (only one type can shoot
    each turn.) Two additional upgrade fire modes are available that improve
    on them, one that is S5 AP6 Large Blast No Cover Saves, another that is
    S9 AP1 and rolls 2d6 for penetration.

    -The new codex expands on their fluff significantly, giving them more
    interactions with other xenos races, including resolving their grudge
    with Urien Rakarth and more on the story between them and Crowe.

    -It's also implied that there is a faction friendly to (or at least neutral with) the Tau within the Imperium itself. Heresy!

    -We learn a lot more about Tau culture and the kinds of lives their citizens lead.


    (Advanced Tau Tactica)

    Vielleicht :

    -Tau will be the first codex of next year

    -Phil Kelly is writing the new book, not Cruddace or Ward as has otherwise been rumored.

    -Crisis suits do not get a new kit, but they are getting an upgrade sprue for making special issue weapons and Broadsides.

    -A Shas'el Commander unlocks Crisis suits as troops. Other types of commander are implied, including a Stealth Suit commander.

    -Drones are changing significantly in how they are bought. Several new types of drones (heavy weapons, melee) are being added.

    -Markerlights are Assault 1 weapons now; burning one counter lets you
    reroll misses or forces the enemy to reroll either cover or pinning
    tests. Pathfinders have the innate ability to split their fire to
    multiple targets.

    -At least one unit from each of the five castes will be fieldable in the codex.

    -There is at least one flyer (the Barracuda) in the book and getting a plastic kit, possibly more.

    -Several other Forge World units (Tetras, XV9 Hazard Suits) are getting brought over as well.

    -There is at least one new named character "pilot" for a flyer, a la
    Pask, but the system to represent them is apparently being reconsidered
    as part of 6E.

    -Demiurg are added to the book, functioning "like Dwarves in Fantasy,"
    with ponderous, low-AP guns and strong melee attacks. Hrud are present
    as well.

    -Gue'vesa are available, working similarly to Inquisitorial allies drawn from the IG codex.

    -Kroot Carnivores will be 5pts to bring them more in line with IG costs.
    They keep the same statline (and have Stealth?) but require a Shaper
    (unsure if he meant as an HQ or as a mandatory squad member.)

    -Disruption Pod gives the Stealth USR and grants a 6+ cover save if you lack one.

    -All Pulse weapons are Strength 6 in the new codex, as are Burst Cannons.

    -Plasma Rifles and Missile Pods are now the same stats as their Imperial
    counterparts (the Plasmagun and Autocannon, respectively.)

    -Seeker Missiles are 72" range and can be fired with one of several
    different profiles. The basic missile is still S8 AP3, but gains the
    Blast property. A second, "frag"-type mode is S6 AP5 Large Blast; these
    two fire modes come standard on the missiles (only one type can shoot
    each turn.) Two additional upgrade fire modes are available that improve
    on them, one that is S5 AP6 Large Blast No Cover Saves, another that is
    S9 AP1 and rolls 2d6 for penetration.

    -The new codex expands on their fluff significantly, giving them more
    interactions with other xenos races, including resolving their grudge
    with Urien Rakarth and more on the story between them and Crowe.

    -It's also implied that there is a faction friendly to (or at least neutral with) the Tau within the Imperium itself. Heresy!

    -We learn a lot more about Tau culture and the kinds of lives their citizens lead.


    (Advanced Tau Tactica)

    Allgemeines von Warseer:

    "I've been told the following:

    • no BT in the near future
    • DA are "in progress"
    • Eldar and Tau are being worked on, with Eldar further along than Tau

    Concerning Chaos:

    • the book is done and almost at the printers
    • an Iron Warriors character (?) has been seen, with a huge servo harness
    • possible new Obliterators (plastic or Finecast?)
    • painted versions of all 4 cult terminators have been sighted - could be conversions though
    • plastic Plaguebearers on round bases have been sighted

    The already "known" Necron wave was confirmed: 2 flyers, the big walker,
    the jet bikes, Wraiths and Spiders. I quote: "The wraiths and spiders
    did NOT look like a dual kit".

    Another interesting quote:

    There ware also a few Nids ready to go, the Tervigon/Tyranofex dual
    kit and a flyer that I wasn't familiar with, looked about lictor sized
    but more resembled a winged zoanthrope.

    Confirms the usual suspects - but the other beasty sounds like the Parasite of Mortex to me, not the Harpy.

    And last, but definetely not least: more flyers seem to be in the works,
    including an Ork Fighter! It seemed to be very similar to the FW
    version. No specific mention of a timeframe was given - expect it
    sometime the next six months.

    The usual disclaimer: while I trust my birdies, you don't have to. Please don't take any of this as gospel."

    Hier wird die 6te Edi aus den Gerüchten als Testversion bestätigt. Zusätzlich gibt es Infos darüber welche Neuerungen es vermutlich nicht in das fertige Buch schaffen werden.

    Quelle: Beasts of War

    "The 40K Heretics Rulebook is Real… Only it’s Not!

    Yes… you heard that correctly. After a lot of digging and snooping
    around the inside of the great citadel (or should that be Citadel) that
    is Games Workshop, we have some very interesting news about the
    so-called Heretics 40K Rulebook… or the 6th Edition Leak for those with
    little flair for the dramatic!

    It turns out that this is in fact an actual early version of the 6th
    Edition rules… but not quite. Apparently the Design department were let
    loose on the 40K system… they were allowed to try anything they fancied…
    we’re told that nothing was off the table. This “no-holds-barred”
    version was then edited down with the truly unworkable ideas removed and
    those that could prove to be exciting or contentious left in to be
    play-tested… so was born the Heretics 40K Rulebook!

    This version was sent to trusted play-testers. Who like all trusted
    minions… were turned by the promise of power… or in this case internet
    notoriety and likely splurted the document all over the web!

    I actually found this explanation to be not just more plausible (than
    the lone gunman theory) but a real breath of fresh air from the ‘Ivory
    Citadel’, and to me at least it shows a high level of innovation within
    the design team, and also shows that there is no shortage of ideas
    knocking around in there.

    Word has it the design team had a real blast with this iteration of the
    rules (loved it apparently) but spotted alot of potential for asshats to
    ruin it for everyone else with unbalanced lists etc.

    And there you have the crux of the issue the design team face, they
    could probably create a massively fun game at the drop of the hat, and
    simple folk like me wold love them dearly for it, but alas there is a
    whole other side (some say dark, Darrel says only!) to our hobby and
    that is the competitive win at all costs play.

    So, fun as they may be, they’re not the final (or indeed likely to be
    anything like the complete) rule set for 6th edition… but what were we
    told about the actual 6th Edition Rules?

    Well some really interesting stuff. For a start here’s what will not be included from the Heretics Rulebook:

    Evasion Values are Out – well this was a given… I’m sure every Dark
    Eldar player was praying for the day that their skimmers and flyers
    didn’t fall over in a stiff breeze, but that’s not all. Our Man in
    Havana has told us that Dark Eldar players will be very pleased with the
    6th Edition updates.

    Could that mean an overhaul of the skimmer rules… could it mean more deadly flyers?

    Of course it could mean one, both or neither. However, more robust
    transports would make the Dark Eldar much more deadly… so keep your eyes
    peeled for more revelations.

    The Turn Sequence will remain the same – The biggest shake-up and the
    one that would mean a rewrite of Assault weapons and the death of
    certain “shooty armies” ( Tao ), was the turn structure that put
    charging/melee before shooting. I would say it was unrealistic, but in a
    world of extra-terrestrial and supernatural horrors, where mankind has
    moved to the stars… that’s probably a bit redundant.

    Anyway… the turn structure will remain the same as it is now.

    No Unit by Unit Activation – Yup that was pretty disappointing for me,
    (but who knows everything we have been told could well be misinformation
    too!) I was sooo looking forward to faster more intricate games with
    that option.

    Gargantuan Creatures will remain with Forge World & Apocalypse Games
    – That’s right… probably no supersized tanks and critters for the main
    rulebook… but does that mean we won’t get any Aracknarok-sized monsters?

    Well it hasn’t been ruled out, and as Land Raiders are already that
    size, it’s doesn’t take a genius to think we’ll be getting more big

    In fact that was one of the discussions… we all like to gripe about GW prices.

    However, it was explained that GW are investing all the time in new
    kits, new moulds, more people (sculpting team is largest its ever been
    apparently) and a bigger and better gaming experience… you can take that
    at face value if you wish… but if it means more plastic kits (and fewer
    Finecast), and more big bad creatures and machines is it worth it?

    So who will be writing this new 6th Edition Rulebook I hear you cry?

    Well as you can imagine the creation of a new rule set of this scale is a
    team effort… but some poor soul has to captain this vessel… so who is

    Well… that really is top secret and even we couldn’t get the name (and
    you can’t use thumbscrews these days!)… but we did find out who it

    So here are a few names who might be involved, but won’t be the lead
    writer… Matt Ward, Robin Cruddace and Phil Kelly… but if not one of
    them… then who?

    Will you need an update to your existing Codex when 6th Edition launches?

    We’re told that the new rule book was written to take into account the
    latest releases and so there’s no need to post a massive errata.

    However, we know that there are many codices that need a revamp. So I’m very sceptical that there will be “no need for an FAQ”.

    Although I’m always prepared to be proven wrong.

    So, there you go… that was an interesting conversation… and it doesn’t stop there.

    We got some more great bits of info that we’ll be able to share with you… but not quite yet… you’ll need to be patient.

    However, until then… feel free to speculate all you want… or post a
    question. Perhaps we can call a few guys and see if we can get you the
    inside track.

    Big caveats on this guys, in that while we’re confident that the
    contents of the article are accurate you are relying on our sources,
    and… well… there could be many ways in which it may not be accurate (not
    necessarily deliberate by a source either!) so take it that its just
    part of the business these days that while we do our best, there are no

    All of that aside, is the Heretics 40K Rulebook good enough, different
    enough to warrant a following of its own? (I’m so tempted its unreal!)

    BoW Warren"

    Ich würde das Konzept auch nicht spielen, aber wenn man es tut macht es meiner Ansicht nach Sinn auch komplett aus der Reserve zu kommen um genügend gebündelte Wucht und Haltbarkeit mitzubringen.
    Wenn das nur bei 2/3 der Einheiten der Fall ist, ist das bei 1500 Punkten imo nicht ausreichend.