Chaos Legionen Codex?

  • Von bello:

    "The book should allow players to field
    Legion-specific armies that have a uniqueness similar to older Dex's
    whilst simultaneously allowing flexible mixed force builds.

    HQ selections may change:

    - what units
    "count as" (possibly FOC slots, or scoring status)

    - wargear upgrades for squads and vehicles

    - access to Daemons

    - unit sizes (maybe)

    Many more flying options
    in this book such as:

    - Chosen with Jump Packs (expensive)

    - Possessed
    with Wings (kinda expensive)

    - Chaos Assault Marines (average)


    Cult troops could possibly get access to Jump
    Packs changing their FOC slot (maybe) but most most units are unable to move FOC slots.

    Chosen and Possessed could get the
    most significant overhaul in the codex. HQ characters
    may be able to take a unit of Chosen as a squad upgrade, thereby not
    taking up an Elites slot.

    Possessed will lose their current "game costing randomness". Example given was Ogre
    Kingdoms Maneaters, who pick abilities from a list before the game.
    A particular character may allow one or more
    units of Possessed to be taken as Troops.

    Berserkers Rage rule to return
    to a Ld test, suffering the Rage USR on a failure. He also said that 2
    ideas for Chain Axes have been suggested: Rending, or +1S.

    Alpha Legion may be able to grant Infiltration to their transports.

    Lash of Submission nerfed to be inline with the version in Codex Chaos Daemons.

    Sonic weapon options were tested for Dreadnoughts and Predators - including some heavier new sonic tankbusters.

    Apocalypse sized releases for Chaos in the near future , an Autocannon-toting flyer was mentioned.

    Finally word of the Havoc Launcher upgraded to two shots."

    Bei Tabletopspielern ist es wie mit Hundebesitzern: Jeder glaubt es am besten zu wissen ^^

  • Von Warseer:

    "...there may not be much focus on newer Chaos
    Space Marine chapters, keeping things squarely on the original 9
    Traitor Legions and their splinter factions. This means it's likely
    there won't be much or any love for Huron.

    Chaos may get a form of Preferred Enemy, but was unsure which units.

    On Daemons, Daemon Princes could wind up being
    the only "Marked" Daemonic creatures. What this means is unclear.
    Could be he means there are no God-specicif Daemons, or that they are
    there, just that they don't use "Marks".

    Whilst on the subject of Daemon Princes, they will move more in line
    with the ones in the Daemon Codex but "with a more Chaos Space Marine
    feel", gong on to say they may gain specific benefits for different

    Terminators were a big topic, Chosen may not
    have access to Terminator Armour (contradicting his previous rumour),
    but that Cult Terminators would return in some form. He went on to say
    he believed there would only be two Terminator units, claiming one
    was some sort of "generic cult" unit that was given special rules
    according to the Legion being played. He made sure to reinforce that
    this was an early playtest, so things could have changed.

    From Stickmonkey (Another reliable regular rumor poster)

    ...a plastic Chaos drop pod could be in the works, but tempered that
    by saying we probably wouldn't see it any time soon. Whether the kit
    is released soon or not, there could be a chance of the rules appearing
    in the Codex though."

    Bei Tabletopspielern ist es wie mit Hundebesitzern: Jeder glaubt es am besten zu wissen ^^

  • Von heresy-online neues & altes zusammengefasst:

  • Neueste Gerüchte von Blood of Kittens

    zudem ebenfalls von BoK


    40k players will only get one codex this year and that is Chaos Space Marines– along with 6th edition of course.
    So the time-table has changed and looks like this:
    June-July 6th Edition
    Sept-Oct Chaos Space Marines
    Sprinkle in some flyers, buildings, and that is all you will see from the 40k front for the year.

  • In der Gerüchteküche rumort er weiter! Von BoLS:

  • Hi,
    und wieder ein bißchen Mischmasch zwischen 6. Edition und neuen Chaos-Codex von von bell of lost souls:


    Orksä va'lier'n niemalz nich'. Wenn wa gäwinn' , dann gäwinn wa. Wenn wa sterb'n, sind wa tot, also zählt dat nich' alz valorn. Wenn wa abhau'n, könn' wa wiedakomm'n um weitazumosch'n, also ha'm wa auch nich' valor'n, iz doch klar!

  • Die Gerüchteküche kocht nun fast täglich:


    Bell of Lost Souls
    Codex author is Phil Kelly.
    Chaos Cultists are available in blob squads into the thirties...
    Certain Named Characters grant various USRs and other special rules to Cultists when selected.

  • Von 40kings eine Zusammenfassung der neuesten Gerüchte:…d-release-am-1-september/

  • Hi,
    laut Gerüchten von warseer soll sich der Chaos Space Marine Codex bis Oktober verschieben.
    im August WD soll jedenfalls Updates für die Dämonen drin sein.
    Und da im September die Startersbox kommen soll, bleibt nur der Oktober.


    I can confirm for you all that codex Chaos Space Marines will be released in October at the earliest.
    The White Dwarf features Daemons. Lots of them but no Chaos Marines. The month after is the 40k starter box so that means no codex until October. I'm a bit bummed out by this but I suppose it gives me longer to save up.
    However the boxed game sounds like it's going to be pretty sweet so perhaps I won't actually have any money left.


    Orksä va'lier'n niemalz nich'. Wenn wa gäwinn' , dann gäwinn wa. Wenn wa sterb'n, sind wa tot, also zählt dat nich' alz valorn. Wenn wa abhau'n, könn' wa wiedakomm'n um weitazumosch'n, also ha'm wa auch nich' valor'n, iz doch klar!