Kampfverband Jurtens Legacy
67. Krieg Infanterieregiment, 112. Krieg Panzerregiment, 496. Krieg Artillerieregiment
"We're the Death Korps of Krieg, son. Did you think that was jist a pretty name? We never retreat. We fight an we die, that's the Krieg way." - Lieutenant Konarski, 993rd Death Korps of Krieg (Novel: Warriors of Ultramar)
"Nah, soon as you're old enough you're sent to join the regiment. Colonel Stagler don't approve of educated men, say it was educated men that got Krieg bombed to shit in the first place. The colonel says that all a man needs to do ist fight and die. That's the Krieg way." - unnamed Death Korps soldier, explaining his illiteracy (Novel: Warriors of Ultramar)
"Your foe is well equipped, well-trained, battle-hardened. He believes his gods are on his side.
Let him believe what he will. We have the tanks on ours." - Col. Joachim Pfeiff, 14th Krieg Armoured Regiment
1. Einleitung
2. Hintergrund
3. Modellübersicht
4. Tagebuch
5. Bilder
6. Spielberichte
7. Achievements
8. Tutorials
9. Platzhalter